Meeting New People

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Naomi walks by herself with her Chunin Exam paper in her hand. After a long, hard week of training with Hiroko Sensei, Katsuro, and Daiza, she feels ready for the Chunin Exams. In fact, she feels more than ready to beat everyone. Naomi is currently on her way to meet Katsuro and Daiza at the building where they are going to have the first test.

"Do you feel that presence?" The Nine Tails asks Naomi. Reluctantly, Naomi closes her eyes to see him.

"Yes I do. Your point is..."

"The chakra, it's a very powerful one. One I have felt before."

"Is it good or bad?"

"Bad, but I may be wrong."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Naomi opens her eyes just to run into a giant, light brown gourd. Confused, she pushes herself away to see a short, red head kid with a gourd on his back. Next to him stands a boy with all black with black cat ears and a girl with blond hair that is separated into four small ponytails.

The red head boy turns around slightly to take in Naomi's appearance. The two taller ones also turn around nervously, watching the red head as if he was a viper. Naomi scans the boy, and comes to a halt when she sees his read hair. Slowly, she scootches over to the red head so she stands next him. She reaches her hand going behind his back and pats the red hair.

"What are you doing?" The boy asks with a deep, toneless voice.

"Oh what me? I'm doing nothing, I mean it's not weird to touch some stranger's hair ya know." Naomi says nervously. "But red heads are awesome."

Sand comes out of his gourd and towards Naomi. Scared, she jumps back, but hits a wall. Gosh I'm so stupid! I just had to touch his hair. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Suddenly, a chakra thread connects to Naomi's hand and pulls her up to a tree branch above her. Naomi looks over her shoulder to see Daiza disconnecting his chakra thread thread and Katsuro standing. The boy withdraws his sand at the sight of Daiza and Katsuro, bringing relief to everyone.

"Come on Gaara, there's no need for this yet." The girl with blonde pleads. "We have to go turn in our sheets."

"Yeah," The boy with the cat like ears agrees. "We'll have time for that after."

The red head looks at them, then at Naomi in the tree. "Next time, I'll kill you."

He simply walks away towards the building with the taller kids close behind. Naomi, Katsuro, and Daiza stare at the back of his head with horror.

"That dude gives me the creeps." Naomi says. Just thinking about him gives her the shivers.

"Same here." Daiza says with a hint of fright.

"If we got here any later, I have a feeling you would of been killed." Katsuro says.

Naomi gets offended and punches Katsuro off the tree. "THAT'S SOOO NOT TRUE! I COULD OF BEATEN HIM INTO A PULP YA KNOW! DON'T YOU DARE UNDERESTIMATE ME!"

Katsuro immediately stands up and points a finger towards her. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! IF ME AND DAIZA DIDN'T SHOW UP YOU WOULD OF BEEN A PULP!"

Daiza jumps down from the tree and punches both Naomi and Katsuro in the head. "If you guys keep fighting about which one of you is more of an idiot, then we are going to miss the window to turn in our slips."

Naomi is tempted to snap something back for punching her, but she knows he's right. Forgetting the fight, they all run to the building, hoping not to run into the demon child.

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