All is okay... Right?

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Dedicated to @NukieGreen1

Naomi wakes up suddenly, gasping for air as if she wasn't breathing. Her vision is blurry, and the only thing she is able to make out is a white drape surrounding her from all angles, and figure sitting sleepily. She sits up slowly because every inch of her being feels as if it will explode. Her head pounds furiously like a thousand people jumping up and down and tears of pain well up in her eyes. It's to much to handle.

So she screams.

The figure sleeping suddenly jolts at the sudden noise and sees the redhead squirming as hot tears stream down her cheeks. She lets out another ill shrieking scream. The boy quickly rushes to her side and grabs a wet towel and gently places it on her feverish forehead. Naomi looks at him with eyes of pain. The blue ocean turn dark and stormy like the way she feels. When she realized who the boy was, she calmed down and began to sob softly.

Daiza emits a green chakra from his hands and hovers his hand over her chest. After a few seconds, Hikaru, Hiroko, Katsuro, and Tsubaki come running with worried expressions all over their faces. One look at Naomi and their hearts break in two.

"What's wrong with her?" Hikaru asks as he rushes to help Daiza with the healing.

"I don't know. She woke screaming and thrashing around. And she was crying like crazy and- and-" His blue eyes fill up with water as he attempts to muster words. "What's wrong with her!"

Naomi soft sobs echo through the cloth tent. Hiroko stares with sadness as she activates her byakugan. She looks at the fox demon inside Naomi and stares at it, then sighs.

"Tsubaki, please leave and go with your father." Hiroko instructs, not breaking her gaze with the tailed beast.

"But I want to-"

"Tsubaki!" Hiroko practically shouts. Tsubaki stares with shock, but reluctantly complies to her wish.

Hiroko kneels down by the redhead and strokes her hair lovingly. "She'll be fine tomorrow, just a little groggy. Come by in a few hours, change the towel and give her a fifteen minute healing session from both of you."

"How do you know, Hiroko-sensei. Her condition almost seems critical."

"Trust me. You'll have the old Naomi by tomorrow."

The four look down at the kunoichi. She has stopped crying, but the tears left stains on her whiskered cheeks. The white of her eyes have turned red and the flesh surrounding it is all puffy. From time to time, you can here a quivering inhale.

"I wonder what happened. All we saw was her collapse and covered in an orange, bubbly coat." Daiza says solemnly. "If only we have gotten there sooner. We probably could of stopped whatever did this to her."

"No one did this to me. I did this to myself." Naomi says as she struggles to sit up. Hikaru tries to tell her to rest, but she succeeded. "This problem is only on me to blame."

She sniffled a couple times and bit her lip from the pain, but continued. "I couldn't handle the strain. Kurama try to get me to stop, but I didn't listen. I only wanted to help."

"Naomi-chan, don't ever do that again. Enough is enough." Hiroko says sternly, but only because she cares.

The kunoichi fiddles with her fingers avoiding Hiroko's gaze. She knew she wasn't going to keep the promise if she made it. Hiroko knows this as well. She gives out an exhausted sigh. "Just don't go overboard next time."

Again, no response. Katsuro sits in the backround awkwardly and listens to their conversations. He was indeed worried about Naomi, but couldn't do anything to help. He had no knowledge of the medical ninjutsu,or medicine. Sure he had the sharingan, but is it always helpful when it comes to someone else's well being.

"Alrighty then. Let Naomi-chan have her rest and we'll check up on her in a couple hours." Daiza says getting up, using his knee for support. Hikaru does the same and follows the ninja out of the tent. Katsuro glances at Naomi for a split second before exiting as well. So all who's left are Naomi and Hiroko.

"I know what's happening Naomi-chan, to you. And as I can tell, Jiraiya hasn't told the boys either, has he?" Hiroko sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "Are I not correct?"

"Yes, Hiroko-sensei. Jiraiya-sama has wished that we do not talk about it either."

For a few moments, blue meets violet in a hard staring contest. Naomi dares to say nothing else. She wants to avoid the conversation, but the Hyuga continues to nag on about it.

"I feel tired now, Sensei. I should probably get some rest before tomorrow's trip. And you should, too."

Hiroko stares her down a couple more minutes before exiting the clothes tent. The redhead feels pain for inside, but not because of the fight earlier...

But, the guilt in her heart.


Sorry to make this chapter, really, really, really short, but I will busy this entire day and my arms will be tired from holding a heavy binder for 40 minutes straight. Love you guys and all your support and I promise a wayyyy longer chapter next week.

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