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"Concentrate. Take in a breath..." The soldier narrows his eyes, hands trembling the least bit. That's when you shout,


The arrow releases, flying through the air. It whistles a bit and the next second it's embedded into the target. The soldier lowers his bow, smiling.

You look at him before patting his back. "A job well done, Atsushi. Go on to you quarters and rest for the night." You say and he nods, scampering off to most likely tell Dazai of his accomplishment first.

You can't fight off the smile that creeps up, knowingly proud of your newest pupil. Atsushi is part of the Armed Agency, a special area in the army. Of course, that's only because he's an ability user. Which is also why he isn't the most knowledgeable on defending himself with a weapon.

You walk down the endless hallways, sword by your side. Your armor is left in your room, today being a peaceful day.

Your only concern is the current status on Mali, the kingdom opposing your parent's.

Apparently they've been reckless lately, even invading the Bonorum kingdom to terrorize civilians. The very thought makes your blood boil.

You stop in front of the doors to the throne room, take a deep breath, then knock. A hollow "come in," echoes from inside and you take your que to enter.

Inside sits your mother, Zelda, and your father, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald. Zelda smiles warmly, standing to give you a quick hug. Though Francis looks stone cold.

"Father," you bow quickly.

Your relationship with him had become rocky as soon as you told him that you wanted to join the army. He, of course, wants you to take over the kingdom, but fighting has become you passion the moment you discovered your ability.

He nods his head, a sign to rise. You approach, "Do you know of Mila's troops?"

Francis sighs dramatically, waving a hand to a messenger. They scurry forward, hand you a scroll, then rush back to the king's side.

You look at the scroll in distaste, 'He's not even going to speak to me, huh...' Nonetheless, you bow your head and take leave.

As soon as the doors to the throne room shut close you grit your teeth in annoyance. Your fist slams onto the wall, your knuckles bruising a bit. It hurts, but that doesn't matter. Your tolerance has begun to waver.

"Oh~ Is the commander angry?" Dazai suddenly walks by, snapping you out of you swearing thoughts. You blink, a bit absentminded, then sigh.

"Is there something you need, Dazai?"

"Oh, not really~" He dances by and you huff.


Dazai slings an arm around your shoulder, "Read the scroll in your room."

You quirk a brow. Information on opposing forces is usually shared with the army so that everyone is posted. Why would you need to read the scroll in your room?


"Just do it~" And with that, Dazai turns around the corner, leaving with a flashy wink.

You let out a defeated sigh, Dazai's odd ways never seem to wrap its way around you head.

At any rate, you take the scroll to your room. It isn't until after a cold dousing of water do you read the scroll.

Commander (f/n) is to marry for the sake of the kingdom by the next 6 months

Almost immediately you drop the opened scroll. Its message leaves you open mouthed, and you never once remember agreeing to such a command.

"I'm to what?!"

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