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"Dazai, I hope you can keep a secret." You say, briskly walking to him. He smiles, nodding his head.

"Good. Cover for me while I'm gone for today." You say, pat his shoulder in thanks, then rush to the stables. Out of everyone here, you know that Dazai will not question your ways. Besides, he's one of the only ones who know of your current predicament.

Bless the man.

As soon as you saddle your horse, Taniyama, you swing your legs over and grasp the reins. A quick kick to the side and your horse bolts toward the open doors.

Kunikida looks down at you as he raises the gates. You smile, syncing your nods to each other. If anything, Kunikida must know as well if he's willing to help.

You head for the forest immediately, thinking, 'Screw the roads'. Twigs snag onto your clothes, obviously, but the fact doesn't alarm you.

This rare freedom is amazing enough.

You heart racing, your mind covering thousands of thoughts, your grip on the reigns tightening. That's when you activate your ability.

"In Search of Lost Time!"

Everything slows down around you.

The vibrant green around you sharpens and light could be seen through the pockets of clear blue sky. You could feel your horse breathe deeply, the air rattling its ribs. Everything is in beat with your horse's heartbeat, and you can feel it.

You release your ability, allowing your horse to run at its normal speed. Whenever an interesting part of the forest surrounds you, your ability is unlocked and time slows down.

The bird's pastel colored feathers look delicate. You reach up in an attempt to feel the silk on your skin.

That's when you're blinded the least bit. A beam of light makes its way into your vision and you hold an arm up to block it. You then unlock your ability to figure out the culprit.

'It's a lake?'

The lake glistens, swirls of white showing the sun's reflection. The water is a clear blue as is the sky. It's clean. Kaleidoscope rocks litter the lake, flowers just as vibrant gathered in bunches around the edge.

You pull on the reigns, stopping Taniyama abruptly. As soon as you finish tying your horse to a nearby tree- one close to the lake's edge so that he can drink- you walk towards the lake.

That's when you hear a small rustling behind you. Taniyama bucks up, whining in alarm. Your eyes narrow and your senses are on high alert, but that doesn't stop your attacker.

'A male, small, fedora.'

That's all you could register before your back harshly hits a tree.

You shout in pain, struggling to move forward and fight back, but the force is too strong.

"What the hell?!" You shout and suddenly fall. You harshly land with a face full of grass then prop yourself up on an elbow, knife drawn.

A hand falls into your vision. Your head snaps to the person hovering above you.

'Orange hair... A suit? Wait, how tall is he?'

You take his hand before asking, "Are you 13?"

He grits his teeth in annoyance before letting go, making you fall back onto the tree. You click your tongue in annoyance.

"I'm 22." He spits out. The man then turns away, hands shoved into his pockets. You scramble to your feet, fuming mad.

"You're not even going to say sorry?"

He scoffs, "For what?"

You storm after him, grabbing his shoulder to spin him and face you. "Oh, I don't know, it's not like you just slammed me into a tree with your ability."

Mr. Fancy Hat knocks your hand off his shoulder, "I'm so very sorry princess."

"I am not a princess. If anything you are."

Being called anything that has to do with royalty is a pain in the ass. You're a commander, not the next heir. It's been made very clear to all of Bonorum.

"Do you know who I am?!" You shout, throwing your arms up into the air.

The orange head holds his head up high, smirking. "No one special I assume?"

You fury runs short and you back up, 'He doesn't know who I am?'

"And you're the same... Right?"

Mr. Fancy Hat folds his arms, "What kind of question is that?"

"A simple one."

"...I'm the son of a tailor." He hesitates to answer.

The answer explains his good looking clothes.

He looks over at your horse- who had calmed down and is currently drinking water- an eyebrow raised.

"Why does someone as unimportant as you have a horse? Not just anyone gets one."

You force a laugh, "I work at my family's stables, genius."

"Oh really? Think you can hook me up?"

This time you really laugh, "You think I'd just give you a horse? Pfft, and after you threw me to a tree?" You laugh even more.

"I thought I apologized."

" "I'm so very sorry princess" is not a good apology." You roll your eyes.

Taniyama suddenly neighs impatiently. It digs its hoof into the dirt, shaking its head.

You look up to see that the sky has been painted orange and red and pink and everything warm. You smile before walking over to your horse and slinging yourself on.

The man follows, an eyebrow raised in questioning.

"Good bye, hope to never see you again Mr. Fancy Hat." You give him a two finger salute and he clicks his tongue.

"It's not Mr. Fancy Hat."

"So what is it?" You smile loopily. He sighs in annoyance at your attitude.

Mr. Fancy Hat then takes off his fedora, bowing the least bit with it held to his chest.

"Nakahara Chuuya, you annoying fuck."

"Fitzgerald (f/n), you short asshole."

"You going to be here tomorrow?"

"You trying to pick me up, baby cakes?"

"No, I just want to see if being nice to you gets me a horse, priss."

"Well you're off on the best start you bleached, orange-headed asshat."

"Lovely to hear, cocky bastard."

What a marvelous beginning to a beautiful love story.

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