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You strap a basket on to Kishou, testing to make sure it's secure. Kishou neighs and you toss him an apple.

"He better appreciate this or I'm going to kill him." You mutter under your breath. You sling yourself over Taniyama, kicking his sides to start the trip to the lake.

Kunikida, as usual, raises the gate for you. You see him raise a brow at the basket on Kishou's back but you send him a smile and a wave.


Kunikida ends it with a curt nod.

When you arrive Chuuya was already there. He's standing by the lake's edge, watching the glistening water.

"You're later than usual." He snaps as you tie Taniyama up. You roll your eyes.

"Whatever, I made us some lunch but I guess the fish would appreciate it more." You retort back and he raises a brow.

You untie the basket on Kishou's back before tossing it to Chuuya. He catches it gingerly. Chuuya begins to inspect it.

You throw a rock at Chuuya, successfully hitting him on the head.

"What the hell?!"

"I didn't hide a bomb in it, asshole." Chuuya bites back an, "I know," before spreading out a prefolded blanket.

You try to contain your smile but to no avail, "Check the bottom of the basket."


"Just do it, you'll thank me."

Chuuya rummages through the basket before touching glass.

A bottle.

"Wine." You smile victoriously and he snaps his head to you. "(f/n), you amazing fuck."

"I know, I'm pretty great."  You grin, pull out two glass cups from behind you back. Chuuya catches the glass when you toss it to him. He stands up, bowing with the bottle of wine held out to you.

"Will you do the honors?"

"Oh hell yes."

You take the wine bottle, pop the cork, then let the red liquid flow into Chuuya's cup.

"Cheers, you fabulous bastard." He raises his glass. You clink you glass with his and say, "Cheers, half pint bitch."

He gives you an over dramatic wink and you laugh, throwing your head back.

None of the servants noticed you stealing food in the kitchen. Getting into the wine cellar was easy too. Now, taking the food and actually making something out of it?


There was much food wasted in the process, so you decided to just make small sandwiches. They look fancy, and pairing it with wine makes it look classier.

"I really just threw together the sandwiches, but wine was a top priority."

"As it should be." Chuuya pours himself another glass. His cheeks are already flushed. You raise a brow at his behavior.

"Are you already drunk?" Chuuya shakes his head and you shrug your shoulders.

'I'm probably in the same boat anyways...'

It wasn't until later did Chuuya fall into the lake.


Now, a list of "Being With Chuuya":

Being with Chuuya meant that you would learn how to make a flower crown.

Being with Chuuya meant that you could just read books to each other under a tree's shade.

Being with Chuuya meant him giving you a piggy back ride whenever you jumped on his back.

Being with Chuuya meant that you could both argue back and forth over nothing.

Being with Chuuya meant that you could borrow his fedora any time.

Being with Chuuya meant the soft smiles he would give you at times.

Being with Chuuya meant you braiding his hair without him knowing.

Being with Chuuya meant that you could just shove him into the lake and vice versa.

Being with Chuuya meant stargazing and naming pictures in your minds.

Being with Chuuya meant that you were happy.

He in turn finds himself completely obsessed with you. Your random acts of kindness, your infatuation with his hat, your witty comebacks, your amazing smile.

He'd do anything for your smile. Even if your laugh doesn't sound like a chime of bells- I mean, how could it? And why would he listen to it?- it sounds alive and full of joy.

Your eyes would twinkle with mischief but he could never catch the fastball you throw his way. He can't say he minds though. It's always fun- annoying at times, yes- to see what you have planned.

Chuuya always finds a way to get back at you. Your bullying can't go unpunished. He's already used his gravity manipulation to keep you on the ground, pouring water over you a second later.

You got back at him by secretly weaving flowers into his hair.


Time flies by and it's been four months, every day spent with Chuuya.

I mean, how else would you spend it?


sorry, this is the Shittiest filler ever lmao
things heat up next chapter ;))
also, i leave australia tomorrow morning
which means im going home!!
updates will be more frequent then, dont worry :))

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