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You take a deep breath, calming your nerves. You then knock on the throne room doors.

"Come in."

The doors swing open and you take your long strides. Zelda smiles, giving you a hug as always.

"You've requested me?"

Francis smiles warmly but it only sends cold shivers down your spine.

"Yes, we have. How's the idea of a masquerade ball?"

A soldier walks forward with an envelope. You take it, examining it carefully.

"A... Masquerade ball?"

Indeed, the idea sounds ridiculous. What good would a masquerade ball do?

You shift your center of gravity, hand on the hilt of your sword.

"Of course! Doesn't it sound marvelous? Your mother agrees wholeheartedly." Zelda smiles, nodding her head.

Your brows furrow in confusion, but you nonetheless nod your head.

"If that's what you both wish to do... I don't see how this concerns me, though."

Francis stands from is throne, making his way to you. Your stance stiffens.

"Well of course it concerns you! I expect to see that you find a partner by the end of the ball."

And here's the twist. The true motive to having a ball.

You wrinkle your nose at the sentence.

"I never agreed to being wed."

"That doesn't matter."


"Unless you already have a partner, I don't see why there shouldn't be a ball."

His words stop you short. You bite back your tongue.

"Don't think I haven't noticed your absence with the army, (f/n). Who is it that you sneak out to visit every day?"

Zelda looks at you expectingly.

"(f/n), is there someone special in your life?" She asks.

Your face turns red and you shake your head. "No."

You leave the throne room.


Chuuya takes a deep breath, calming his nerves. He then knocks on the on the throne room doors.

"Come in."

The doors swing open and he walks in with long strides. Elise bounces over to Chuuya and he bows to her.

"Chuuya. Information?" Ougai asks, palm outstretched. Almost as if information were a physical thing.

Chuuya hesitates before answering, "...The Armed Agency is split into two groups, defense on the front lines and offense vanguard."

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