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Today is Chuuya's execution.

A giant wooden platform was built for the event. Francis even took the massive trouble of ordering several civilians to lift the guillotine onto the platform after it was finished. You could see it being built through the bars of your window.

"...Today is his execution?"

"Yes." Kunikida answers through the door. You grip the hem of your clothes before nodding your head.

"I see..."

Kunikida stays silent. You do too.


Kunikida wasn't positioned in front of your door when you opened it.

You pull your hood over your eyes, ignoring his absence. You don't wear your shoes so that you don't make loud noises, and your armor was left behind. Of course, your sword is strapped to your side. You hide Chuuya's white fedora
under your cape.

You quickly make your way out of the corridors and onto the palace's courtyard. Execution days are days when the palace is allowed to raise their gates. A huge crowd of civilians have come to see Chuuya's execution.

Chuuya was already locked into the guillotine. Louis May Alcott, your father's adviser, is just taking her time to read his misdeeds. Your father himself is seated in his viewing box, sitting on his throne.

You take the chance to sneak up front, crawling through spaces and shuffling up to the front of the crowd. The minute you reach the front row you notice how you can't go any further. It's cut off by a rope.

You crane your neck up to see Chuuya, Dazai, and Kenji. Kenji doesn't look too happy, his usual smile wiped off his face. Dazai is eerily quiet. Chuuya doesn't even look like he's breathing.

His head is hung low and his clothes are tattered. Not ruined, but the cuffs and hems are slightly torn.

Louis says his name and he looks up. Chuuya's eyes are empty, hollow, and they scan the massive amount of people that has come to see his end. They skim past you and immediately does a double take.

Chuuya's eyes widen a fraction, staring straight at you. Your face stays blank.

Dazai and Kenji catches Chuuya staring, finding you almost immediately. Dazai smiles sadly.

"And now, the execution of Nakahara Chuuya."

Chuuya looks calm about his position. He keeps his eyes on you, only you. He purses his lips for a moment, making a split second decision.

Dazai mutters something under his breath. His eyes stare straight ahead.

Chuuya looks at you desperately. Your throat chokes up as you clench you fists.

"God dammit, you annoying fuck. I love you." He says. Louis looks back at him in confusion. She snaps out of her trance.

"Profanity! Another sin!"

"Like hell I care! So long as they know that I do." His voice cracks, gaze still set at you desperately.

Your entire body trembles and you look down, blinking away tears.

'It's not fair.'


The executioner swings down his axe, cutting the rope that suspended the blade.

People all around you gasp immediately.

You take the chance to look, but what you see next puts you through shock.

Kenji holds the lock in his hand, crushing it. Chuuya knocks the board holding his head and arms down, taking the split second to grab the dropping blade. It hits his palm before shooting back up.

"Wh-what is this?!" Louis exclaims. She holds the scroll close to her chest.

Someone grabs your hand, pulling you from the crowd. You keep your head back, watching as Chuuya tugs on his gloves to readjust them. Dazai smirks up at your father seated above, hands in his trench coat pockets. Kenji smiles carefreely, tossing the broken lock behind him.

You finally look to see who's pulling you along.


Of course.

"Y-Yosano-san, Ranpo-san, and the rest of the Agency is waiting for us at the gates! They have our horses, we just have to escape."

You struggle to keep up with the boy, "Atsushi what's going on?!"

"We're planning an escape~" Dazai sings beside you. The three had gotten away from the crowd in a snap.

You look behind you to see that everyone's in a panic. They run around in chaos, screaming and shouting. Louis tries frantically to calm the crowd and you can't even see you're father expression. Zelda is no doubt fussing for him to stay calm.

You catch Chuuya looking at you before turning your head to keep running.

True to his words, there are horses lined up by the gates. You run up to Taniyama, swinging you legs over the saddle. Chuuya finds Kishou and the rest grab a random horse.

"Chuuya~ Think you can help us out with the gate~?" Dazai points to the now shut iron gate. Soldiers were quick to shut them.

Chuuya pushes Kishou closer. One touch with his hand and the gate flies up. Everyone dashes forward, the sound of an army close behind.

"Tanizaki, throw them off!" You order and he activates Light Snow. You look behind you to see that the soldiers have started to run in panic, yelling in alarm.

You look back at Tanizaki. He nods a head to Atsushi and you begin to laugh.

Of course, Atsushi in his tiger form is terrifying.

You push Taniyama to gallop faster. You could feel your heart pounding with fear.

Or is it excitement?

Either way, you're running far away from your father.

And you hope to never come back.


whoop whoop

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