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Now that you weren't questioning everything in existence, you were given tasks to do. Their points were fair enough, but it left out time for you and Chuuya. He was just as busy.

In the mornings you would take Taniyama to the village to receive apples before returning to the base by foot. That would take until the afternoon.

Training with Atsushi continued. It usually lasted hours, considering the six months of lost training. Dazai was a good teacher, but he wasn't the best. Atsushi still can't hold his own under intense situations.

"When I get too close, you have to be quick when drawing your dagger!" You shout to Atsushi, leaping forward with your sword. He tries his best to parry, but with a flick of the wrist Atsushi's dagger goes flying.

You walk over to the dagger, pulling it out of the ground. "You only have to work on your speed. If you were a bit faster then you may have been able to block my attack. When you do, we'll work on from there." Atsushi nods his head. He notices the sun setting, sheathing his dagger.

"Isn't it time for you to meet Nakahara-san?"

You glance at the setting sun before muttering a curse. "You're right. You're done for the day, Atsushi. Good job." With that, you dash into the forest.

Chuuya was waiting at the clearing when you arrived. It's not like before with the lake, but it's still a peaceful area.

"Sorry I'm late." You breath out. Chuuya shrugs.

"Surviving is hard." He says nonchalantly. You notice the bruise on his cheek.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Dazai and I got into another fight."

"Again? You dumbass, I told you not to." You scold and he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever, he started it."

"You aren't 5, act your age."

Chuuya growls under his breath.

This isn't how it's supposed to be. Before, you two would fight back and forth, but it was always a joke. Now? Every little thing you two fought about became so very real. It bothers him to oblivion.

It just isn't the same.


The same results went on for another week.

Each day ended with you both fuming mad.

You still love him, but how long could you handle the fights?

Chuuya seemed no better. Each day was a stress for him. He tried desperately to make things work.

So what's going on?

"Maybe it doesn't feel authentic~" Dazai sings one night. Chuuya is trying to sleep with his back facing Dazai.

"What?" He snaps in irritation. "The hell's that supposed to mean?"

"Well with what you both have told me, there were a ton of things that helped out your friendship. The lake, for example. You two would just push each other in for fun. And (f/n)'s thrown flowers at you before, right?"

Chuuya hesitantly nods his head, faintly getting the message.

"Just take (f/n) back to the lake! I'm sure the others don't mind if you take them for a while." Dazai lifts a finger to the air, smiling with his eyes closed.

"Are you insane?! The lake is close to the palace. There's no way we could just walk on by and spend a whole day there." Chuuya counters with a glare. Dazai shrugs.

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