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"Mr. Fancy Hat? Your flower crown." You present your masterpiece to Chuuya. He throws his fedora at you and you throw the flower crown at him.

You stifle a laugh at the sight and Chuuya glares at you. "Shut up! You're the one that made it for me." He snaps and you wave off the comment.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But," You smile mischievously, "Weren't you the one that taught me how to make flower crowns?"

Chuuya's face flushes in embarrassment and he grits his teeth. "Say another word and I'm throwing you into the lake." He threatens. You hold your arms up in mock surrender, smiling carelessly.

"Please spare me~" You sing, standing up. "Flower crown wearing prick." You start running, getting a head start. Chuuya bolts after you.

"I'm throwing you into the lake you fucking bastard!!"

He shouts. You cackle with laughter, picking up flowers. You throw them at his face as a distraction but he only tackles you. You shriek with laughter, Chuuya slinging you over his shoulder.

"No!! Mercy!!" You cry.

"Think about it first, then." He says. Cold water envelopes you a second later. You break the surface, clutching your stomach with laughter. Chuuya rolls his eyes before pulling you out of the lake.

"How much energy do you even have? Jesus are you even human?"

"Love you too~" You sing, dramatically winking. Chuuya's face flushes and he shuts his mouth, backing up a bit.

You shake the water out of your hair, eyes closed. Chuuya throws you his jacket.

"You'll catch a cold. Take it." He says. You bow, "Thank you dear half pint."

Chuuya rolls his eyes, "Never mind. Give it back. I hope you die of the flu."

You nonchalantly throw an apple at his face. He catches it easily, no matter how fast you throw it. It makes you click your tongue in annoyance.

You both eat lunch in silence, overlooking the lake.

Being friends first is nice. You could never understand Zelda's stories where she would just fall in love with Francis. It sounds ridiculous.

What if he turned out to be some asshole? (He is, just not to Zelda).

So love at first sight never appealed to you.

I mean, Chuuya tried to kill you the first time you met. Friendship between you two was far from rickety, the both of you spewing insults and profanities back and forth.

You look over at Chuuya, who takes another apple out of the satchel.

Who knew it would grow to something like this?

"Hey," Chuuya's voice breaks through the silence. You hum in reply.

"Since you don't want to be the next heir, why don't we just live here?" He suggests. Chuuya tosses the apple core into the field. You hum once more, taking a bite out of your apple.

"Like.. Build a cottage or something? With a white picket fence or whatever?"

Chuuya shrugs his shoulders, "You make it sound like a sappy love story. But more or less, yeah. I mean, if all this stuff gets sorted out. "

You rest your head onto Chuuya's shoulder. "You mean when."

Chuuya looks down at you, "Duh." He rolls his eyes.

"...I like that."



Chuuya looks down at your hand. He intertwines his fingers with your's. You squeeze it gently, smiling. Chuuya smiles back.

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