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Today is the day.

The day of the masquerade ball.

You dress yourself fancy, checking for threads in the mirror. The clothes tailored for you are nice, nothing less the next heir of Bonorum should have.

Your eyes stare at the desk reflected in the mirror. There sits Chuuya's fedora, the one you technically stole.

Well, you didn't exactly steal it.

You forgot to return it when running away.

You turn around to pick it up, dusting off spare dust from it. A soft smile somehow makes its way onto your face.

'I can't help but admit that I miss him and his annoying attitude..'

A knock is heard on your door, "Commander (f/n)? Are you dressed?" You place the fedora back onto your desk before smoothing out the ruffles in your outfit. Your smile drops.

"Yes, I'll be out soon." Your hand trails to beside the fedora and you pick up the mask matching your outfit.

'Show time.'


The ball is extravagant. Royalty  from different kingdoms have come to court you. Some dance together under the massive diamond chandelier. Soft music is played by the orchestra of violinists, harpists, and flute players. Someone is seated at the piano, their fingers never skipping a single note.

The pressure of being the next heir is overwhelming. Your bored eyes scan the ballroom and you let out a defeated sigh.

"Why don't you dance with someone? They're all here to see you." Zelda smiles softly and you shake your head. A butler walks by with a platter of cheese and crackers. You take a small plate and pop the snack into your mouth.

Of course, there's no wine in sight.

You click your tongue in annoyance.

The one thing you were hoping for and it isn't even here.

"Don't worry, they'll come out with a Romanee-Conti Pinot Noir soon." Zelda catches your irritation. The platter of wine swings by just in time and you take a glass, lifting the liquid to your lips.

Wine, the true blessing in this bitch of a world.

"May I have this dance?" A voice asks and you see a hand outstretched to you. Atsushi's silver hair is recognizable even with his mask covering his face. He bows in front of you, left arm behind his back with his right hand beckoning for permission.

You smile at your pupil. "Of course."

The two of you walk out onto the dance floor, hand in hand. You then take your position.

"Do you know how to lead?"

"Oh, I- uhm..." Atsushi trails off and you laugh.

"No problem, I'll lead." The positions switch and Atsushi blushes in embarrassment. 

The music starts playing and you both step into a waltz. Small talk is held, you asking about his training and him talking about the immense improvement.

"I just wish you could come back to teaching me... You've always been my favorite teacher." Atsushi says with a smile.

You chuckle before pulling his cheek, "Aren't you a cute one." You then pat it, "Don't worry. I'll soon be back to teaching you."

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