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Doctors were quick to rush towards you. Chuuya didn't want to let you go, but he knew he had to.

They move you onto a table before ushering Chuuya out of the room.

The problem with the doctors in Mali is that they don't have the most sanitary tools. Chuuya would trade anything for Yosano right now, but she's been taken by Bonorum.

Chuuya curses under his breath. Elise takes him from the operating room to the infirmary.

"They'll leave (f/n) in one of these cots as soon as they're done. Rest up here." Elise says before walking out the door.

Zelda stands by, staring at Chuuya for a second. He doesn't rest, pacing around the infirmary while tearing hair. Zelda smiles softly while watching the spectacle.

"I can see you really love them." Zelda's crisp voice cuts through the heavy atmosphere. Chuuya straightens up in front of royalty, a habit he's picked up since young.

Zelda stares at him expectantly. Chuuya takes that silence as a que for him to answer.

"Yes." He says without a moment's hesitation. "I really do love them."

Zelda smiles softly, uncrossing her arms. "So long as they're happy..." Zelda mutters.

"Now my husband doesn't approve of the relationship," Zelda starts. "But I do. And I think that's what matters most at this point." She smiles.

Chuuya startes at Zelda, flabbergasted. He then bows, choking back tears.

"...Yes. Thank you.." He mutters and Zelda leaves Chuuya be.


You wake with a start, eyes snapping open. The unfamiliar concrete ceiling gives you chills. The very room gives you chills.

It's cold, unfriendly, and could consume you.

You turn your head to the right, looking out the window. The clouds are grey and cloudy, almost threatening to rain. You turn your head the other way. Your nose is tickled almost immediately and orange hair brushes against your face.

You sigh in defeat, arms too weak to smack Chuuya's face away.

"Hey, shortass. Wake up." You snap. Chuuya wakes with a jolt, jumping up and hitting his knee against the infirmary cot.

"You're... not dead?" Chuuya questions, reaching out for your arm. You smack him in the face.

"You had no faith in me?" Chuuya silently shakes his head "no". "Good. That should answer your question then." You huff in annoyance.

Not even a moment later and Chuuya has you in a tight embrace. You both say nothing at first, enjoying each other's presence. He sniffles a bit and you chuckle.

"Are you crying?"

"Shut it! I thought you were going to die on me, dammit!" He shouts. Chuuya hugs you tighter and you pat the back of his head.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Believe what you want. I'm not dying by Kouyou's hand." You say and Chuuya's shoulders relax. He seems better now, a lot less tense and a lot more calm.

Chuuya finally releases you, quickly wiping away tears. He gives you a shaky smile, one which you return.

You raise your arm, waving it around for a second. "See? I'm not hurt. You can rest assured." You explain to Chuuya. He lets out a sigh before nodding his head.

A knock on the door knocks the both of you into your senses. You look past Chuuya to see both Elise and Zelda with smiles on their faces.

"Aren't you two cute~" Zelda coos. Elise giggles before bouncing into the infirmary.

"How are you feeling?" Elise asks. You give her a thumbs up and she nods her head.

"That's nice to hear. Now," Elise's expression changes drastically, "shall we hold our conversation elsewhere?"


Zelda and Elise went on ahead to Mali's palace throne room. Chuuya helped you walk there, not minding the fact that you hardly could. So long as you didn't fall.

When you open the throne room doors you find Elise seated on a smaller throne next to the throne in the middle. Zelda has a seat next to Elise, though you can tell that they had to quickly bring it in for the queen.

"(f/n), I'm so glad you're safe." Zelda smiles warmly. You nod you head, quickly bowing right after. Zelda motions for you to rise.

Chuuya looks around to notice the lack of guards. In fact, there are none at all. "Elise, what's going on?" He asks.

"Mali and Bonorum are on a temporary truce. In order to find the both of you." She says calmly. You and Chuuya glance at each other.

"I'm to stay out of military dangers by staying at Mali's palace." Zelda says next, gesturing to herself.

"But I'd really really like a good reason to not call for guards." Elise says, her voice bright. She smiles while twirling her golden blonde hair.

You flinch back and Chuuya's hand finds your's.

"Well, for one, we can easily run away." Chuuya points out. You smack his shoulder with a glare.

"Umm... I love them?" Chuuya tries again.

You sigh in frustration, "Chuuya we can't say that." You lower your voice to a whisper. "We'll be killed."

"It's a judgment free zone here~ So long as you two tell the truth!" Zelda says, a finger pointed to the sky. "What's been going on the past year and a half?"

You and Chuuya exchange glance. You then look to Elise and she nods her head at you. Chuuya nods his head too. You sigh.

"I guess we have a story to tell..."

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