4. midnight brawl

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I wiped my hands off from dirt and sat up examining the scrapes on my knees that are starting to trickle out a familiar maroon color. I looked at my hands after and realized they're bright red. I plopped down on my butt and covered my head in my hands as I cried. I'm glad it's easy for me to cry, i needed that as a tool more often than not.

The sobs i let out were soft and muffled, but i knew he heard me as the footsteps were getting closer. A soft animalistic growl was heard. And it was getting closer to the tree I was sitting by. I realized I cut my forehead when I felt the warmth of the maroon liquid dripping down my cheek. I'll have to thank Yves for that one. Mentally glaring knowing he can hear me. I raised my head out of my hands and attempted to wipe the blood and tears away.

I heard a deep sigh from my left side. "What am I going to do with you." I heard a deep voice mutter. My head shot up in mock realization. It was Damian. I mean at least it's not one of those stupid black hounds. Those things are damned annoying I heard Yves sigh in annoyance at the thought of those little bastards. I put my attention back on Damian as he walked towards me slowly. I looked up at him with big eyes and tried to back away. He looked at me and then down to my necklace in confusion.
"You left before i could explain." He muttered while crouching down to my level. I scooted away from him but he grabbed my arm. I whined in discomfort.

"I can't hear your thoughts anymore" he muttered softly. I furrowed my brows. "What the fuck do you mean?" I spoke angrily. Innocence idiot! Yves yelled at me.

He chuckled softly while staring into my eyes. "You should know what I am by now. You were chased by a hunter before. I know a lot about you. But I'm not here to kill you and bring your soul back, as per usual. You interest me." He smirked. I scoffed and jerked my body away from him. I felt Yves embarrassment from his lack of information and i noted to comfort him later.

"So what? What do you plan on doing with me? Locking me up or selling me to some creepy demon?"

Yves growled in my head as he heard the next words that spilled from his mouth. "I plan on making you mine." I sputtered and choked on my spit. Very lady like darling muttered Yves.
"Uh, Damian, thanks for the offer but I think I'll be going now! Was nice meeting you." I dusted myself off and attempted to get up.
"You're not getting off that easily. I can kill you right now and there would be no one to interrupt."

Yves laughed maniacally you wish lover boy! I looked at Damian and smiled sweetly. I cupped my hands together and withdrew a shaky breath. "That's what you think Damian." he looked confused. He looked up as he heard Yves small paws making the branches shake as he jumped about. "Yves, reveal yourself. Protect your innocence." I whispered while looking straight at Damian.

Guilt flashed in my mind. Maybe he was trying to be kind? Or maybe he was just trying to lure me into having me willingly die. I shook the thought away and watched as Yves falls down from the tree tops behind him. Everything that happened after that played in slow motion before my eyes. I won't ever forget this moment.

As Yves morphed further into his natural form he grew larger and looked far more menacing than my normal cat that loves belly rubs and eating my tuna. Damian turned around as he watched Yves hit the ground hard. He completed his transformation and snarled at Damian. He chuckled and looked back at me. "Do you think he'll stop me little one? Do you think I'm not prepared for some silly little kitty? I'll have you my love, and if it's not today, it will be soon." he backed me up into a tree, but before he could do anything more Yves pounced forward and slashed his back.

" he backed me up into a tree, but before he could do anything more Yves pounced forward and slashed his back

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Damian growled and turned around with a kick and hit Yves square in the jaw. Yves smiled. Is that the best he can do? This is cute. I sat back down at the tree and glanced at the fight unraveling before me.
I love you Yves I spoke to him reassuringly.

I closed my eyes for what felt like a second, and when I reopened them, the scene that played before my eyes scared me to the point where I shook violently. Yves was lying on the ground with a torn ear and deep gashes on his sides. I could tell his leg was broken by the way he stood. He was bleeding profusely yet he still held his protective stance. I gaped at him, staring at the blood dripping down his sides.

In all of the battles he's fought with me, he has never bled this much and never broken a bone. He growls and whines softly as he looks over to Damian. Yves? I ask shakily. How long was I out for?

He sighs softly about an hour my love. I put you to sleep, I didn't want you to watch this one. I told you, he's filled with great power that not even I can compare to. I didn't want you watching me fail. He bowed his head softly and I stood to touch his now tainted white fur. Return to the gem Yves, I promise I'll finish this one. Please, rest. You need this. Don't argue with me. I plead.

He scowls at me but he's slowly drifting into a deep slumber. I whisper loving words into his big fluffy ears and scratch his neck. He leans into me and leaves with a small cloud of smoke. I glance at the gem and it flowed softly reassuring me that Yves is okay.
"Thank you Yves for protecting me." I whisper and kiss the gem and it warms up in my hands.
I smile softly.

I soon hear a deep voice calling over to me "surly you didn't forget about me?" I shudder and glance his way. He's walking towards me slowly trying not to trigger me to sprint. I glance at his leg and he's bleeding just as much as Yves was. I wince at the sight. Nice one Yves.
His cheek is bleeding and his hair is sprawled in different directions. His once beautiful outfit is now in shambles as the Jacket was thrown into the mud before the brawl started. His dress shirt was now covered in a deep Crimson blood that was now turning brown as it dried.

"Please don't." I whispered timidly. He walked urgently closer to me as if I would run at any chance I got. He broke the distance between us. I wouldn't run, I'd just dig my grave even deeper.

"Did you really think you could get rid of me so easily? Without even hearing what I had to say?" He said as he looming down at me. He was a bit taller than me, it made me feel small and vulnerable. His face hit the moonlight and he still managed to look gorgeous, even in my slight fear.

I realized what i was thinking and i grimaced. I heard him chuckling and i gave him an upset look. He then came dangerously close to my face and leaned next to my ear making my face run pale. "I can hear your thoughts again little one."

Aw Fuck.

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