12. exposed

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We spent the rest of the day practicing and discussing what we should do next. I really wanted to take a nap but Yves kept refusing.

I eventually learned how to use the air to push and pull things. It was a good start at least.

"We've done a lot today," Yves huffed out. "I need to return to the crystal, i haven't been out this long before. I've been using way too much energy."

I nodded and pet the head of my small companion. "Stay in the house please." I nodded once more and watched him suck back into the crystal. I threw it around my neck and laid back into the bed.

I could nap now or i could explore. I closed my eyes and curled up. I couldn't fall asleep but i was so damn comfortable.

After a few minutes of sitting in bed i decided to get up and grab a snack. I opened one of the cabinets and a bag of chocolate chip cookies sat inside. Thanks Yves.

I ripped open the top and popped a few in my mouth. I walked around the small abode and began to search for anything i could play with until Yves returned.

I remember he told me about the escape hatch i wanted to look around for it. It sat on the far end of the wall and i pulled at its handle. It was just a dark tunnel with some speckles of light at the end. I shrugged and closed the door. With a creaking noise it shut uneven and i had to lift it to close it properly.

I turned to leave but i noticed a lift in the wall paper. The dark tone was white at the corner so it stuck out like a sore thumb. I swiped my hand across the wall and felt deep grooves. Something was behind this paper.

In hindsight it probably wasn't a good idea to uncover this on my own. But I'd just inform Yves of it later. He said not to leave the house and nothing more. I pulled back the wallpaper at the corner and it almost ripped off into a clean square.

I used my newly found magic skills to brush a bit of air on the area so i was able to see better. There was an outline of a door and a missing handle. I felt a creeping sensation of regret as I looked around the room self consciously. I felt eyes on me. Suddenly the temperature dropped and it felt like i was on ice.

I knew i found something i shouldn't have. I sucked in a sharp breath and slowly moved away. The small door slowly creaked open and I sprinted to the front door in fear. I felt something grab hold of me and i screamed.

Yves' POV

Something felt wrong to me. But i was drifting into a deep sleep involuntarily. I wanted to escape but my energy was so depleted i couldn't muster up the power to leave.

Something was blocking me from escaping. Out of no where there was a harsh pulsating feeling in my head and i feared for the safety of Delilah.

Please be okay. I'll come soon i promise.

Delilah's POV

I was on the floor. I don't know how i got here. My head was throbbing like crazy and i groaned. Something next to me shuffled. I sat up quickly and looked around. I was in a somewhat familiar looking forest. But this forest was all kinds of wrong. It's long green barked trees was adorned by purple and pink bushels of leaves. It just looked so odd. I felt something hit my side. I looked down to see a tiny puppy.. thing. It looked like a dog, yet i know it wasn't.

It's white fur was smooth and covered in brown and black dots. It's floppy ears held round horns above it, almost like a small ram dog.. thing. Its paws had sharp talon like claws and it's tail leaned upward onto its back and was covered in sharp porcupine like needles.

"O-okay.." i said shakily. It's small head nudged me and it playfully bounced back. It was kind of cute. It let out a puppy like squeal/howl thing and my eyes softened at its cute attempts.

I soon felt hard ground shaking stomps.
I️ then realized it was calling out to something.

I️ felt stomps approaching me, very quickly. I️ stood up immediately, to the disapproval of the little fellow by my feet. He made a noise, almost like a complaint and then slammed his small head into my leg. Definitely a ram. I️ had a feeling there was a bigger version coming, that could do some real damage.

I dusted myself off and began to run, the little guy followed me but wasn't fast enough to keep up. I kept running and running until my feet couldn't carry me anymore. I wanted to cry, and scream out to this god forsaken world. But I'm sure I'd attract unwanted attention.

"Yves?" I whispered shakily. I tapped his gem and the forest fell into a deep silence. "Where are you." I cried softly. His gem held no glow and looked dead. I gripped it tightly and sniffled. Yves wouldn't want me to cry. I know you'll come soon.

I wiped my hands on the back of my pants. "Okay, just find shelter." I muttered to myself. I broke a branch off of one of the trees and grabbed one of the black colored rocks off the ground and began to sharpen the branch to a point. I wasn't going to cry about my situation. i was going to go fight my way out.

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