9. jasper

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Oh, he did look like a deity – the perfect balance of danger and charm, he was at the same time fascinating and inaccessible, distant because of his demonstrated flawlessness, and possessing such strength of character that he was dismaying and at the same time utterly attractive in an enticing and forbidden way.


Della's POV

His room was grand, large and displayed beautifully. It looked as if everything had a designated place and was never taken from its spot. The color scheme consisted of blacks and dark shades of different colors. The roof was extremely tall, and the walls were stretched so far apart it felt like we were almost in the dining hall again. After he allowed me in the door shut with the click, signaling it had been closed.

His presence, just something pulled me closer. I resisted it. I felt an increasing need to know this man, that I know deep inside me is still my enemy.  I don't feel the same pull he talks about. I'm not like him. I was never going to be like him.

I turned to look at him and he stood awkwardly before me.
Yves gem lied on my neck and emitted a soft warm glow. I touched his stone and fittled with it. He can feel my fear.

Everything stilled, the birds, the wind, the breaths of the residents. Blood stopped flowing and my ears felt a loud ringing. Yves the. escaped from his gem. He had a glint in his eyes, and they matched mine.

"Let's leave."

My feet started moving as fast as they could. I ran out of the room through hall and hall. "Where's the exit?"
"Take two more turns and we're there. Let's cloak, it's dangerous."
I nodded in response. I felt a small pulse in my body and then all i could see was the outline of my body.

The doors were in front of us. "Don't take the front," Yves hissed. "There's a back hall that leads to a tunnel in the back. I see it." I nodded and quickly ran in that direction. Yves' small paws dig into my shoulder so he wouldn't fly off. He took a kitten like stature, small enough to fit on my shoulder comfortably.

I reached the hall, the door was a run down dark brown tone. Yves pushed out his paw and the door opened silently. As soon as i made my way inside i stopped so he could close it.

I heard a yell in the distance, which puzzled me. I began running again, i let out a deep breath. "You're okay, just keep going. The tunnel isn't long."

"Delilah!" He roared. But time was still stopped.

I heard a loud bang and the door sounded like it was cracking.  "You don't have much time." I heard a voice i recognized. I stopped running and spun around quickly. Jasper. I muttered out a string of curses. Jasper quickly went to shush me and urged me to run. "I'll stall. We'll meet again, maybe not in this lifetime. But one day we'll see each other and I'll explain further. For now, just go." His face contorted into one of pain. "Go." He whispered turning around and breaking into a sprint towards the door.

Come on. I pushed myself to run for maybe a full minute until i saw moonlight peaking into the tunnel. The exit was covered with a large rock, but there was enough space for me to pass through.

"Where next." I asked my small partner.
"Run there, i know a place."

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