Antonius (3)

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I leave the cafeteria and end up in an outside lunch area. Ignoring the looks I get from the people outside, I Sprint into the what I hope is the direction of the car park.

Someone must of had my back, because my usually terrible directional skills didn't hinder me today in finding my car. I run like hell is licking at my heels towards it. Only to be shocked when I get close enough to see one of the boys from the group standing beside it.

Bitch, how?

"Oh hell no" I yell as I turn around and run inside the school instead.

Not today Satan !!

The bell signaling the end of lunch rings and I book it towards my class. I arrive before everyone else and drag myself to a seat sitting down out of breath. Receiving odd looks from the teacher, might I add.

Now I remember why I don't run.

I slouch back into the seat and try to catch my breath.

I'm fucking dying. Exercise is evil.

The end of the day turns out to be even more strange then the beginning. Unlike this morning, everyone avoids eye contact with me. They won't look in my direction and walk with a large amount of distance between us. Even the teachers went from being assholes to ass kissers. It was fucking creepy and I couldn't wait to go home.

I glance over at the clock in my last class noticing that we have ten minutes left and let out a sigh. Everyone in the class turns to me immediately in concern. I blink at them, confused at their sudden concern for me.

"Miss hall you are dismissed early" I look up at the teacher in confusion.

"what, why?" I asked the man just tells me to pack my things and go. I do so, a bit hesitant and suspicious, and leave the class. I walk down the deserted halls trying to figure out what exactly is going on in this freaky cult school.

I was so deep in though that I didn't realize someone was standing in the middle of the hall until I walk into their chest and Feel electricity explode all over the front of my body.

I stumble back a little shocked and feel warm hands steady my shoulders. I look up to see the leader of the crazy cult looking me over, with worry, for any injury. When he sees none present, he looks into my eyes.

Fuck, why did the cult leader have to be so damn fine?

"Are you alright?" he asks; I blink back at him a bit shocked at how soft his voice is. It's almost a whisper, like a soft wind against my skin. It somehow comforts me and I immediately relax, unconsciously leaning closer to him. He smells of warm cinnamon and I lick my dry bottom lip. He looks down at my mouth eyes darkening for a second before going back to concerned.

"Are you alright angel?" he questions again, I stutter back a response a bit taken back by the sudden nickname, but not at all against it. He looks me over again before giving a cute nod.

Damn he's really fucking adorable.

He steps back removing he's hands from my shoulders and I pout a little at the loss of his closeness and warmth.

" I'm Anthony" he says softly while holding his hand out for me to shake. I looked down at his hand for a moment before hesitantly taking it.

" Samantha" I reply my voice cracking a little from the electricity I can feel running up my arm. He gives me another little nod and squeezes my hand lightly. I smile slightly and no doubt if I could blush I would an Apple at the moment.

The bell rings startling me and signaling the end of the school day. He lets out a soft chuckle that sends warmth all over my body. I smile unconsciously and he sticks his hands in his front pockets and studies me with a content look on his face.

" what" I say unable to stop myself from smiling. He shakes his head to say nothing then softly tells me to come. He turns around and starts heading to the direction I was originally heading.

" Come? Come where?" I call after him as he continues to move further away. I look around me noticing the halls were still deserted even though class had ended a few minutes ago.

That's strange.

I look back up to see him stopped a bit down the hallway, turned slightly to look at me, waiting for me.

You're not going anywhere with home Sam. Your just so happens to be in the same direction he's going. I rationalize while making my way towards him. When I get there he takes me bag pack and starts walking again.

" you don't need to carry that" I protest trying to take it from him. He gently takes my hand off the bag and gives me shake of the head. I sigh giving in and walk next to him without any more protests. I glance over at my bag hanging on his right shoulder only then realizing he didn't have one himself.

I wonder why.

He walks me to my car and then hands me my bag pack. He gives me another cute nod after I thank him and get into the car.

I guess he doesn't talk much.

He stays standing in the same spot watching me go until I couldn't see him in my rear view mirror anymore.I arrive home and bound up the stairs to my room throwing myself onto my bed.

I'm so damn I tired

I get up and take a quick shower before putting on some pajamas and curling up into my bed for a quick nap.

Naps are my friend.

I wake up a few hours later and do my homework then go back to sleep ignoring my growling stomach out of sheer laziness.Tomorrow was Saturday and I was glad I didn't have to wake up to go back to that crazy ass school. And if you're wondering why I even bothered to go today, it's because my mother doesn't play those games. Unless I'm on my death bed I'm going to school.

I'm glad there was only four months left of school. The faster summer and graduation gets here, the better.

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