Antonius (10)

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I curl myself further into a ball and just sit in my closet for a few more minutes until I'm interrupted by a really loud banging on my front door. It startles me and I jump; falling over and pulling some of my clothes off the hangers onto the floor. I scramble to my feet as the banging persist; tripping over the hangers and cloths on the floor, and causing more of a mess. I finally mange to escape the abyss that is my closet and stumble into my bedroom, heart hammering in my ears form the scare. I make it down the stairs and open the front door with trembling hands, my body not quite over all the adrenaline rushing through my system form being startled earlier. Anthony is standing on the other side looking desperate and worried beyond words; His face collapsing into pure guilt when he sees my shaking, frazzled form.

I open my mouth to say something but is cut off by Anthony stepping through the threshold of my house and lifting me into his arms. I relax into his hold, wrapping my arms and legs around him and bury my face into his neck. He slams the door closed with his foot and settles us down on one of the couches whispering 'sorry' over and over into the curve of my neck and shoulder. I don't know how long we stayed like this but I was already on the verge of sleep when Anthony pushes me back to sit up straight on his lap. I blink groggily at him, really wanting nothing else than to curl back up into his chest and fall asleep but I had more than a few questions for him so I forced myself to stay awake.

Time to get to the bottom of all this bullshit

He lets a sigh looking stressed the hell out before cradling the left side of my face in his hand. "I'm sorry angel, for yelling at you earlier. I should never raise my voice at you" he lets out another sigh before dropping his hand from my face to my thigh.

Mind out the gutter Samantha

"I'm sorry for what Cindy said, I didn't know sweetheart; it will never happen again I promise you" he states looking into my eyes. I break eye contact with him after a few seconds because that shit Is way too intense. "its fine, you don't have to apologize for her, it's not like she's your responsibility or anything like that" he tenses up for a few seconds when I say this. "is she?" I add on after slight pause. He lets out a small groan before letting his head fall back onto the couch and running his hand through his hair; squeezing my thigh slightly. I'm trying to keep my mind out of the gutter but at this point my mind is the fucking gutter.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I sit there desperately trying to keep my hands to myself as he absentmindedly runs his thumb over my inner thigh. Anthony doesn't seem to notice my distress at all as I bite my lip and try to think of anything but his hand needing the flesh of my upper thing, and thumb traveling dangerously close to no return land.

I swear to god if he doesn't stop touching me like that, I'm gonna tie him to this couch and do bad things to him.

"I'm sorry" I yell out in a high pitched voice. He stops his menstruation's and lifts his head wearing that adorable confused expression I can't help but love. "sorry? Why would you be sorry angel? "he whispers; soft voice dripping with confusion.

"I'm sorry yelling at you, and expecting you to take my side, and running away, and pretty much acting like a giant brat. You were right, I was being ridiculous and overly dramatic about the whole thing. Though what I'm not sorry about, and will never be sorry about, is beating that hoes ass" he lets a soft airy laugh at the last part of statement before sitting up and burying his face into my neck while wrapping his arms around me. "there's nothing for you to be sorry about angel, you did nothing wrong" he whispers softly into my neck causing a shiver to travel don't my spine and goosebumps to rise.

I warp my arms around his neck, laying my cheek on top of his head, and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.

His hair smells good. Jesus did I just think that? I'm obsessed

A growl leaves his chest "stop that before I bend you over this coffee table" he speaks gruffly into my neck before biting down lightly. I tug at his hair; letting out a soft sound of approval and he holds me tighter leaving absolutely no space between us.

A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his calloused fingers slip under my sweatshirt and brush against the skin on my lower back. Then everything blurs and I'm on the couch with Anthony standing at the foot of it, running his hand through his hair. As he stands there fighting for control, I try to figure out how exactly he moved so fast.

I'm pretty sure that's not normal, along with all the growling and electrical touches and how he seems to move with the grace and agility of an animal. This is fucking crazy.

"Anthony?" I call out nervously, he lifts his head startling me when I see his eyes shifting between his usual dark brown and a glowing golden. I scramble backwards on the sofa wide-eyed heart beating out of my chest.

Holy fucking shit, what the fuck was that?

He lifts his arm as if to reach out to me, His face taking on this completely hurt and heartbroken expression at my reaction. His, now, chocolate brown eyes looking sad beyond words at my rejection of whatever the fuck that was. All in all, he looked like a kicked puppy or in his case kitty and I could feel guilt seep into my body from making him feel like this. As I go to apologize he retracts his hand balling it into a fist at his side; his faces morphing into that cold emotionless expression I have only seen on the first day of school and never had directed at me. He whispers out a 'sorry' before disappearing in a gust of wind; the front door slamming behind him, making me jump.

"what the actual fuck?" I whisper to myself as I stare wide eyed at the spot that Anthony just occupied before looking at the door he just all but teleported out of.

What the fuck!!??? Am I dating a demon lord? Wait are we even officially dating? Well we only went on one date, I don't think were actually dating. Wait why the fuck am I even thinking about that right now.


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