Antonius (4)

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I wake up Saturday morning completely refreshed but also hungry as all hell.

Damn I should have eaten last night.

I lie there on my stomach for God's know how look before mustering the energy to get my ass up. Its twelve o'clock when I finally reach the kitchen downstairs, and start to shove anything edible into my mouth.

Food is love, food is life.

I lounge around until three not really doing anything but watching t.v.

"I really should do something with my life" I grumble to myself, still not moving from my slouched position. House reruns were playing and I was barely paying attention to them.

I want cake

I try to remember if mom bought any and let out a groan of misery remembering she didn't because "I ate to many sweets". It's not my fault I have a sugar addiction; if anything she should blame the companies for making their candy so damn good. If they weren't so fucking good, I assure you, I would not eat them.

Do I really want to get up and go all the way to the store for some cake? Is cake that important to my survival?

I sigh and look around the room for a few seconds.

Yes, yes it is

I get up; grab my car keys, phone and head outside in my pajama pants and a half shirt while shoving my feet into a random pair of converse. Who the fuck am I going out to impress? No one.

I run my fingers though my unruly curls before throwing them up into what is probably the worlds ugliest bun. But do I give a Fuck? No.

I get into the car and head the grocery store while singing like a dying cat to a random song on the radio.

Damn I can't sing

I pull into the parking lot and head into the store.

Cake dear cake, beautiful, wonderful cake, where for arth thou?

I grab a small red basket and swing it back and forth beside me as I read the signs hanging from the ceiling over each aisle.

I walk by a few people and every single one of them says hello to me while avoiding eye contact.

Ok then......

I finally reach the pastry section and do a small dance of victory. I get strange looks from a few people but Fuck them. They we're being even more weird than me with the constant hellos and watching from afar, and refusal to make eye contact.I grab a whole slew of cakes, pie, and cookies before heading off to find the candy aisle. I find it after wondering around a bit and literally start to prance down it. I come to a stop in the middle and start to throw everything I can into the basket.

I receive a call from my mom on my way to find some coconut water. She asks me how I'm doing and I tell her about all the freaky shit that's been going on while she was gone. She laughs and tells me that I'm "overreacting again". Which I most definitely am not.

"I am not overreacting mommy, these people are crazy. They all stare at me like I'm some kind of alien" I tell her will trying to shove a bunch of coconut water into my already overflowing basket.

"You are overly dramatic with everything sweetheart. Plus, it's a small town, it makes sense for them to stare a little at new comers. They probably don't have them often" she tries to reassure me while laughing.

I give up on trying to shove anymore coconut water into my basket, only six fit, and decide to just carry the rest in my arms.

"No, this is some next level, borderline horror movie starring mommy." I say with the phone between my left shoulder and ear while trying to balance the things in my arms.

"And I am not overdramatic" I exclaim; a bit offended my own mother would say such a thing.

"Oh you're not overdramatic?" she laughs. "What about that time you rolled off the couch clutching your right eye screaming "mommy I'm dying" at the top of your lungs because you got an eyelash in your eye?" she questions while chuckling in amusement.

"That was completely justified mom; You know how much eyelashes hurt" I say while hobbling my way up the bread aisle towards the register.

"Oh please you're just damn dramatic that's all, child. I have to go back to work now, make sure to wash the plates when you get home" I groan in misery at her reminder. I hated doing dishes with a passion and she knew it. She laughs and says she loves me then ends the phone call.

I continue to wobble down the bread aisle after she hangs up. I hear a soft "Angel" called from my right and stop at the sudden warmth my body takes on from the sound. I look over and see Anthony standing there with a loaf of bread in his right hand.

"Oh, ah hi" I call out a little taken back by his sudden appearance. He looks me over and gives a cute little smile of amusement. Which was understandable; I still had the phone in between my shoulder and face while trying juggle all the things I was carrying. I probably looked quite silly, especially with all the cake and candy bulging out of my basket. Not to mention my random addition of coconut water into the sugary mix, and I was still kind of wearing my pajamas.

I must look like some sugar crazed, insane woman.

Which I actually kind of am.

He comes over to me and takes the basket off of my right arm leaving me with just the coconut water I had been holding.

"Thank you" I say smiling at him, he gives me a small nod before asking if I needed anything else. After I say no he starts to head towards the register, leaving me to follow behind him once again.

I study him from behind as I follow. He's wearing a dark Gray Tee shirt and a pair of black sweat pants. His black hair a fluffy mess on top of his head.

Looks like I'm not the only one who wore their lazy wear to the store.

Though I must admit sweat pants are a bit less lazy than my pajamas, but only a little. I also can't deny he looks damn fine in them.I'm so distracted with staring at his back muscles that I hadn't realized he stopped walking until I ran into said sexy back.Electricity erupts all over the front of my body and I drop all the coconut water in my hands out of surprise. He turns around and ask me if I'm alright as I spit out an apology.

"I'm fine" I say as I bend down to retrieve the dropped cartons. He places the basket and his bread on the conveyer belt and bends to help me pick them up.

"You don't have-" I start to protest but is cut off by his shake of the head. He picks up most of them and we both stand and place them on the conveyer belt.

Well this is fucking awkward turtles.


AntoniusWhere stories live. Discover now