Antoninus (16)

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We had moved downstairs to the living room after a while of holding each other because I'm a lazy bum who hates standing for too long, so I really needed to sit, and I couldn't do that in the office because Anthony had gone all hulk on it.

The sofa was incredibly comfortable and I sunk into it as soon as I sat down, never wanting to get back up again. Anthony sat down next to me; tuning to face me and wrapping his much larger body around mine; Trapping me against him. I let out a chuckle of amusement, relaxing and pressing my forehead further into his neck. "your so cute, tony the tiger" I state in amusement, running my fingers through his soft black hair. He lets out a playful groan of annoyance, squeezing me tighter for a few seconds, "you're still calling me that? and I'm not cute I'm handsome."

"Oh, hush you're the very definition of adorable" I reply while cupping his chubby cheeks. "I mean have you seen these cheeks? You're a freaking hamster" I exclaim in amusement, while pushing his cheeks together, causing his face to squish together. "I'm a man, I'm not cute" he whines slightly, once again reminding me of a giant kid. "Shut up, you're fucking adorable" I state matter-of-factly, causing him to glare at me in mock annoyance.

I let out a small chuckle of amusement before silence falls over us again. It was a comfortable silence that allowed us to just sit and enjoy each other's presence. I used the opportunity to study Anthony's features, because any other time would probably seem creepy as fuck, while he did the same with a beautiful smile on his face; seeming a lot happier than he was forty minutes ago. I let out a sigh; breaking the comfortable silence, while turning my body to face him, because there were a lot of things that we had to discuss, and I also had to find out where this Serena chick lived so I could punch her in the face, plus I'm super hungry.

"listen Anthony, one thing I really hate is being lied to, so I would really like it if you told me the truth. Now I'm trying to be kind-of- sort-of to be okay with this whole demon lord thing, but-" Anthony cuts me off mid-sentence. "Demon lord?" he questions; face morphing into adorable confusion. "yah demon lord, you know master, ruler, king, emperor, liege-" he cuts me off again before I could continue. "I get what you mean angel, you don't have to list synonyms for the word lord" he says; dark brown eyes swimming with amusement. "and I think you have me mixed up with an entirely different species"

I star at him in confusion while he waits patiently for me to figure out what the fuck he was hinting at. "Wait, so you're not a demon lord?" I exclaim in surprise, finally getting it.

"No, why out of all the things that I could be, would you think that I'm a demon lord?" He questions, clearly amused. "I may watch a bit too much anime in my free time" I reply sheepishly after a slight pause. Anthony finally lets out the laughter I could tell he had been trying to hold in since I broached the whole "demon lord" subject. It was a soft and airy sound that made warmth blossom through me and a small smile cover my face.

"So, just to be clear, you are not a demon lord" I state slowly, giving him the side eye. "No love, I'm not" he replies letting out a few more chuckles.

"Wait, so what are you? you're not human" I state matter-of-factly. "No sweetheart, I'm not" he replies slowly; his tone soft as if he was trying to keep me as calm as possible, "I'm a werewolf" he says completely serous now, eyes trained on me like he was expecting me to run away as fast as I can, and I did contemplate it for a few seconds before my curiously overrode my survival instincts.

I really need to work on that.

I steer at him wide eyed "what do you mean you're a werewolf? so you turn into a wolf? Does it happen on the full moon? You really aren't all that hairy for a wear wolf. Wait was that rude? Is it disrespectful to ask if werewolves are hairy or not? Are you secretly hairy? do you just shave a lot?" Antony's previous serious mood and disappeared, and by the time I stopped firing off questions he was leaning back on the couch holding his stomach from laughing so much.

Seeing him so joyful made a smile appear on my face, even if it was at my expense. After a while he sits back up and answers my scholarly questions "I do turn into a wolf, but it's not just on the full moon; I can do it whenever I like. And no, it's not rude to ask about hair sweetheart, it just strange." he says trying to hold back more laughter. He stops me as soon as I open my mouth to ask him another question "and no I'm not secretly hairy." I close my mouth, nodding my head in satisfaction with that answer.

We sit in silence for a few seconds before something crosses my mind, "you don't eat people do you?" I whisper, while leaning away from him. He blinks at me a few times before chuckling and pulling onto his lap and winding his arms around me. "no I don't eat people angel" he states in amusement, "well not in that way anyway" He continues, looking down at me with dark eyes. I steer up at him in surprise, not expecting this shift in mood or conversation "oh, I, well; do you want to go get food, we should go get food" I ramble, while trying and failing move off his lap.

Damn why is he so freaking strong? Oh right, he's a werewolf.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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