Antonius (9)

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 The first half of the school day goes rather slow and I feel relieved when I hear the bell ring for lunch. Everyone is still being as strange as ever but I couldn't bring myself to actually fucking care anymore. I drop my bag off at my locker and then head to the cafeteria, the crowd parting for me like always. I get my lunch and sit at my table in the far corner, with a view of the whole cafeteria. Unlike Friday, nobody is watching my every move like I was some sort of criminal. The group from before enters, minus Anthony, and this time no one pays them any mind. Completely different from when I arrived and they all simultaneously bowed their heads like I was there queen.

These people are crazy and confused

I'm distracted from my thoughts by my phone vibrating in my pocket, it was a text from Anthony asking my how my day was going. I tell him it fine then go back to eating my lunch only to be interrupted again, his time by Cindy. "hey, Samantha" she says stopping in front of my table; I hear a gasp from the entire cafeteria and look around at them strangely before bringing my attention back to her. "hello, Cameron" I reply completely unbothered. She let out a huff of air before stomping her foot and shrieking "my name is Cindy". "yah whatever you say, cantaloupe" I reply bring my attention back to my food.

She looks at me stunned before scrunching her face up into what I'm assuming is an angry expression, though to me it looks like she ate something sour. "you are so annoying ", "and you probably read at a third grade level" I shoot back, taking amusement in seeing her face change colors because of my insult.

It's cute that she thinks she can out bitch me

She lets out another huff before straightening herself up face taking on an expression of triumph

I guess she thinks she has something good to say

"you want to know what I think- ", "no, but I'm sure you're going to tell me anyway" I reply bluntly, not even paying attention to her anymore. She lets out another huff of annoyance," I think you're jealous of me- ""oh do you now?" I interrupt again, unable to keep the slight laughter out of my voice. "yes" she says in a snooty tone while crossing her arms and lifting her chin. I hear and feel my phone vibrate on the table beside me, but ignore it; far more interested in seeing Cindy make a fool of herself.

"yes I think you're jealous of me, because I'm prettier and better than you"." and I think your mother should have swallowed; but, you know, were all entitled to our own thoughts and opinions" I hear the entire cafeteria gasp and try to cover their laughter as I watch Cindy blow a fuse. Her face tuning bright red out of anger; taking on that sour lemon expression again.

That's really unattractive

He faces then shifts into a creepy know it all grin "well at least I have parents, where are yours? Did your dad go to the store to by milk and never come back?" she says tauntingly. "no, he's dead" I reply blunt and expressionless. She looks at me stunned; not really sure what to say to that, the rest of the cafeteria goes silent as well. My phone starts to vibrate again, this time from a call, I look down to see its Anthony but get distracted by what fly's out of the little shits mouth next.

"well he probably died to get away from you" I look up at her straight faced as the cafeteria goes completely still, barely even breathing." What was that?" I ask voice taking on a dark undertone.

"you heard me, he's probably glad he's dead so he doesn't have to be around you" she says, wearing smug and triumphant expression. I blink at her a few times before calmly getting up, putting my phone in my pocket, walking around the table, and punching her in the mouth.

AntoniusWhere stories live. Discover now