Antonius (11)

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I sit on the couch staring blankly at the spot Anthony once stood before mindlessly getting up and walking back up the stairs into my room, then bathroom, to take a shower and maybe have a mental breakdown. I'm broken out of my mindless stupor when I look up and see my reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Damn I look like I just survived an alien invasion or some shit.

My previously well-groomed straight hair was a tangled mess; the hat I had been wearing earlier in the day nowhere in sight. This along with my tear stained face, split lower lip, tired eyes and disheveled cloths made me look like I was the one who lost the fight. I looked insane to say the least and embarrassment started to seep into me when I realized I had looked like this the entire time that Anthony had been here, and that he saw me looking like an escaped asylum patient.

Now I'm not one to care about what others think of my appearance, especially some boy, but even I feel some type of way being seen by someone I find attractive looking like was swept through a tornado.

Wait, why am I stressing about what I looked like and not the fact that Anthony is a magical demon lord creature thing?

"get your shit together Sam" I say to myself, looking disapprovingly at my refection before striping off my cloths and getting into the shower. Not before putting on a shower cap on of course, ain't no water fucking up my hard work. I let out a sigh as I feel the hot water run down my back, relaxing my muscles. I had been a long day and I really wanted nothing more than to sleep. I close my eyes and lean my forehead against the cool tile on the walls, seeing Anthony's glowing eyes flash behind my eyelids

This isn't just going to leave me alone is it?

I let out a grumble of annoyance, pushing my entire face into the shower wall. I can see Anthony's glowing eyes floating in the darkness behind my eyelids, and feel a shiver run down my spine at how real it felt. It felt like he was really there; staring into my soul, into my very being. while it was a strange and almost eerie feeling, it didn't scare me as much as I thought it would.

It actually didn't scare me at all; while those eyes did make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, they also sent a strange wave of comfort through me. They made me feel more protected than in danger, which was crazy, because I'm sure any other person would have faked their death, packed their stuff, burnt down their house, and ran for the hills by now. Well maybe not to that extent, but you get what I'm saying. I let out a few more sounds of irritation before actually getting to the task I came into the shower to do.

After thirty minutes of trying and failing to stop thinking about Anthony, I step out of the shower and head into my room to get dressed. I stare absentmindedly into the wall across from me while rubbing coco butter on my body, because dry skin is not the business, images of earlier flashing in my mind. I finish my moisturizing routine and then sprint across the dark hall to my mom's room like something was going to jump out and grab me; Turning on the light and jumping on her bed like a mad woman

I'm sleeping with all the damn lights on tonight

I roll onto my side and dig my hand into my mom's bedside table before snatching her bible out of it and curling up into a ball under her covers like a small child. Yes, I may be overreacting but I really couldn't give a fuck because I'll be damned if any demons come snatch my ass up tonight. Jesus got my back.

while I wasn't the least bit afraid of Antony, the possibility of everyone or anyone else in this shady ass town being a damn devil spawn did freak me the fuck out. Considering the way they behaved, I'd say the possibility is rather high and I'd be damn if any of them motherfuckers try to come for me in the darkness of the night.

"first thing tomorrow, I'm grabbing my momma and my laptop, and were out this bitch, these hoes got me fucked up if they think I'm staying one more day here." I grumble out loud to no one before looking down and realized I had just cursed while holding the bible. "sorry god" I say staring up at the ceiling, because while I might not be as religious as most, I still respect my mother's religion enough to know she wouldn't like it if I did certain things. I let out a few more grumbles before tossing and turning for a while, trying not to think too much about why I wasn't afraid of Anthony. Though one thing's for sure, my mother is going to flip her shit if she ever finds out I went on a date with a demon lord.

It would probably go something along the lines of "I leave you home for a few days and you start dating a demon!! That's it, I'm sending you back to Jamaica" because she always threatens to deport me when I do something wrong, even though both of us knew it was an empty threat.

She'd kick my ass though


The next morning, I wake up to my name being called and open my eyes to see my mother walking around butt ass naked. I let out a sigh before rolling over to go back to sleep, more than used to the sight of her in no cloths or little to no cloths. After being raised on an island, we were both more than used to being naked around each other and other female family members.

My mother is so relaxed about It, that she walks in the bathroom on me while I'm mid shower to have a conversation. I remember one time, she stood outside the shower curtain, cursing me out about something while I was in the shower shaving my legs. Yes, I did end up cutting myself, and yes, I did get cussed out about that too, after she made sure it wasn't anything major.

"wake up baby, we have to go to the school today, I already called your principal" she says, now walking around in undergarments. I let out a groan before sitting up realizing I had completely forgotten about that, in light of the whole demon lord thing. "since when you start reading the bible, didn't you say it was "really redundant"?" my mother questions, now almost done dressing.

I blinked at her before looking down at the book next to me "ummm, I got bored last night" I reply not at all sounding convincing. "did you watch another scary movie last night? You know that you can't watch those, you have to sleep with me every time you do" my mother questions, obviously taking amusement in my fragile heart when It came to anything scary. It's not my fault, those movies a really scary, and it doesn't help I have a large and vivid imagination that likes to come out and play when I'm alone in the darkness of my room after.

"no, I didn't!" I exclaim, to which she just let out a laugh while running brush though her pretty black hair. "it's not nice to lie while holding the bible in your hand Samantha, just stop watching those movies" she says chuckling while putting on eyeliner, the only makeup besides lipstick I've ever seen her wear. "go get ready, I made breakfast, it's on the table downstairs" she commands while walking into her closet.

I let out a sigh before putting the holy book back in her nightstand and following her orders. Throwing on a random shirt and a pair of jeans, before brushing my teeth and putting on my sneakers. After breakfast we head over to the school so my mother could end a few lives with her words, because as sweet as she may seem, when its necessary, the woman was a fucking savage.

I almost feel bad for what's about the rain down on them. 

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