Antonius (6)

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"yes, Angel" Anthony answers after three rings of the phone, His soft voice causing goosebumps to rise on my skin as soon as I hear it. "oh, umm hi" I reply back nervously while looking around outside my windshield. "Is there something wrong?" he asks after a slight pause, concern leaking into his voice.

"I... um yes, I mean no not really. I, well, a little" I stutter out, not really sure how to go about telling him my problem. "what's wrong angel" he asks while shuffling around; his soft voice taking on a slightly alarmed tone.

"I well.... I'm lost" I reply in a small voice while glancing around outside my window onto the deserted dirt road once again. All movement in the background stops and there is a long pause for a while. "umm hello? Anthony?" I call into the phone in a small voice, scared he hung up and left me to die in the middle of nowhere.

"lost?" he questions, confusion and pure disbelief leaking into his tone. "how are you lost? I gave you directions and sent you the address and showed you how to get here on maps before you left?" I can practically see him running his hand through his hair in frustration at my non-directional skills.

"I know; I'm sorry, ok. I told you had absolutely no directional skills, I was not being overdramatic, I could get lost in my own bathroom" I reply sinking down into my seat to drown in my own misery. He lets out a soft chuckle that sends warmth throughout my body; immediately calming me down. "excuse me sir, it is not nice to laugh at others misery and misfortune" I say playfully and smile adorning my face.

"sorry sweetheart, I'll come and get you" he replies causing my insides to do little flips from the new pet name." while that's a nice offer and all, but it will probably prove to be hard to execute. As I have no fucking Idea where I am" I reply peeking out the window on my left from my slouched positon.

Yup, still just trees and dirt road; I should call my mom and tell her I'm lost. No, she would probably call the police and the Coast Gard and the FBI and every fucking body possible.

"Don't worry about that sweetheart, I can find you no matter where you are" he replies amused as I hear a bell go off in the background signaling the opening of a door, and most likely his departure from the ice-cream shop.

"oh really? And how are you going to do that? With the all-powerful bond of friendship?" I ask, my defense mechanism of being sarcastic in shady situations kicking in. His laughter at my questions is slightly distorted by the wind blowing in the background, and I sink lower into my seat, if that's even possible, letting out another sigh.

He must be in his car.

"I told you I could find you anywhere, and I will" I raise my eyebrows at his words "yeah, because that's not slightly creepy at all"

"what's slightly creepy" I hear through the phone and from my left. "holy fucking shit, don't do that" I yell clucking my chest and glaring at Anthony, who was trying and failing horribly to hold in his laughter. He was standing outside the window on the driver's side of my car, still holding his phone, and laughing at me. I frown at him but can't find it in me to be upset with him, not when he looked so happy and carefree, and dear I say almost angelic in the setting sunlight behind him. All I could do was sit there and stare at him awe because I've never seen such a beautiful creature in my life.

"Angel?" I blink up at him, realizing I had zoned out while staring at him.

Well this is embarrassing, I might have well had started drooling too.

"you ok sweetheart?" he asks, rising his eyebrow; dark brown eyes filled with amusement and knowing. I frown and glare at him while opening the door and climbing out the car," fine" I reply, leaning against my car pouting a little. He smiles softly at me, clearly amused by my behavior, causing me to intensify my glare tenfold; which really is just me squinting a lot at this point

"where's your car?" I ask while glancing around in search for said motor vehicle. He looks surprised for a second before composing his expression. "I took a taxi" he replies not making eye contact with me "oh, really I didn't notice". I eye him for a few seconds. "well you are kind of easily distracted Angel, I did have to walk up to your window and speak for you to notice me"

Well he has a point there, I have like no observational skills; I really need to get my shit together. What if I get kidnapped because I got distracted by some food? I would never here the end of it from my mother.

"Angel?" I look up at him "are you ready to go?" he asks softly; I nod my head yes and turn around and open the door. "don't you think I should drive, because you don't know where you're going" I stop one leg in the car one leg out "yah that makes sense" I reply more to myself than him before walking around to the passenger side and getting in. I glace at him still, standing in the same place, though the window "are you coming?". He looks at me for a few seconds before shifting he weight to one-foot and walking towards the car.

We drive for a few minutes in silence, no sound but some random song playing on the radio buzzing between us. The silence was comfortable and I could feel myself relaxing into a state of absentmindedness. Which was strange because I had only just met the boy two days ago, and shouldn't feel so relaxed being alone in such a confined place with him, but for some reason I felt safe enough to fall asleep.

I wake up to his soft voice calling me and the warm feeling of his hand brushing against the left side of my face. Open my eyes and blink a few times to chase the sleepiness out of them before turning my head in Anthony's direction. He's leaning over the center console and looking at me in concern; hand twitching as if he wanted to touch me but wasn't sure if he should. A lot of people get like this the first time they see me sleep, as I tended to move myself into the strangest of positions while I slept, and right now was no exception. I had somehow found a way to slouch all the way down into my seat, even with the seatbelt on. My right leg was brace against the glove box and was kind of just dangling in the air while my left leg was stretched across the dash with my foot pressing against the windshield. My right arm was draped across my stomach and my left was stretched across the arm rest, holding a fist full of Anthony's shirt. To say the least, I sleep like a fucking maniac.

Well this is attractive Samantha

"Angel?" Anthony whispers, more than a bit confused at my crazy ass sleeping position, though who could really blame him. He had backed up from hovering over me when I had awoken but was still turned in my direction. His hand still hovering in midair, unsure if he should touch me or not. His face contorted in the most adorable expression; mouth slightly agape, eyebrows pushed together in confusion and concern. This, along with his slightly chubby cheeks made him look like an innocent child who had stumbled onto something shocking that he didn't understand. It was probable the cutest expressions I've ever seen someone above the age of five make, much less a grown boy and it really made me want to cuddle his fucking face off.

Fuck, he's too cute for words.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?", I blink at him a few times before scrambling to sit up straight in my seat. He leans back, a bit taken back by my sudden movement, "No, I'm fine" I reply quickly; hands hovering in midair like I'm trying to calm a scared animal.

Good lord he probably thinks I'm crazy at this point, and he hasn't even seen half of it yet.


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