Antonius (7)

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We head inside the ice-cream shop after a few minutes of me reassuring Anthony that I didn't need to go to the hospital and that I was fine. He looked quite taken back when I had informed him that I slept like that all the time and that it was no big deal. 

One time I woke up under my bed, my mom was so freak out she called the cops thinking I had been kidnapped in the middle of the night. To say the least, I got quite the lecturing about scaring people and wasting tax dollars from the police officers and my mother that night. The latter being from my mother; the woman doesn't play about her money.

We enter a small mom and pop shop resembling the diner from the movie 'grease', it was rather adorable and it almost made me want to live in the sixties until I remembered I was black that probably wouldn't be that fun for me. We head toward a counter maned by a boy looking to be around the age of sixteen. He stands up straight as so as he sees us while not making eye contact and greets us with a 'hello miss and sir'.

Wow they have really polite service here

There was no one else in the shop but Anthony and myself and I found that a bit strange. It was a Saturday afternoon, there should be a few teenagers or at least one kid here, it's an ice-cream shop for god's sake.

I don't know why I'm even questioning this, what isn't strange about this town.

We order our ice-cream, me a vanilla and Anthony a vanilla chocolate swirl with sprinkles; The boy really likes his ice-cream. We sit down across from one another in a booth next to one of the front windows while waiting for our ice-cream to be brought to us. After glancing around the shop a few more times I finally look up to meet Antony's eyes, not really knowing what to say. Though he seemed content with just staring at my face with an expression of approval and happiness.

Right, he doesn't really talk much; I should probably say something.

I open my mouth to ask him a question, but get interrupted by the arrival of our ice-cream. The same boy who was manning to counter earlier place our orders down in front of us, before straightening up and leaving after being shocked by my "thank you".

Why is everyone here shocked when I thank them? my mother did raise to have manners. Being a sarcastic asshole is just a personal choice of mine.

We eat our ice-cream while asking each other questions about the other. Well it was me mostly asking questions; the boy really isn't a talker. He did however comment on how much he loved my hair and that it reminded him of the "little curly pasta noodles". Then went on to say how good those noodles were and I couldn't help but agree with him on that. I've found out he liked to eat as much as me or almost more; if I wasn't attracted to him before I damn sure am now, I've found someone I could shove food into my face with. 

At one point he asked me if he could touch my hair and usually I would say no, because in not a fucking petting zoo animal, but he look so intrigued and so damn cute that I couldn't object. And that's how we ended up here with my hat on the table and Anthony running his hands through my curly fro, looking completely amazed. I couldn't help but giggle at his expression, he looked like a giant kid who just found the most amazing thing on the plant, he was literally staring at my head in awe.

He seems to snap out of it after another minute or two and says "sorry, your hair is so different from everyone else's, I didn't mean to that for that long" while pulling his hands out my hair with a sheepish expression. I let out another small laugh telling him its fine, because he looks genuinely sorry about it. Though he was right about my hair being different, from what I've seen this town is mostly made up of Asian and Caucasians, there were also a few pan Asians here and there. The only other black person I've seen here is my reflection. My curly fro was definitely something new around here, though my mom always say I can't even call it a fro because it never stands up. She always likes the rain on my wannabe fro parade with that; So what if it doesn't stand all the way up, it's still large and bushy.

AntoniusWhere stories live. Discover now