Antonius (15)

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I head out into the parking lot and towards my destination; not before putting address into maps because fuck my directional skills. After a few minutes of driving the opposite way of civilization I start to wonder if ass face gave me the wrong address. The only thing I could see at this point was trees and road and I grab my wheel in irritation, glancing at the address to make sure I entered it correctly. 

After making sure it was entered correctly, I decide to continue on the route I'm going for another ten minutes, before I turned around and murdered ass face. After a few minute of driving the GPS tells me to turn onto a dirt road, that I had to look really hard to find, and that I'm sure is what would be considered shady as fuck.

If these hoes think they can lure me out into the woods and kill me, they have another think coming. I will not hesitate to run one of them over.

After driving a bit up the dirt road that I pray to god isn't fucking up my tires, I spot a large metal gate up ahead, manned by a guard. I pull up and the guard bows his head; opening it, while informing me that "the alpha is straight ahead, to the left". I look at him crazy for a few seconds, because I don't who the fuck alpha is, unless their talking about radiation, but I fucking doubt that. I accept his words nonetheless, thinking I could ask this alpha dude where Anthony was, and drive through the gate.

 The dirt road turns back into asphalt and then houses start to appear. The further I drive the more it starts to look like a normal middle class neighborhood. There are men and women walking around on the sidewalks outside, who all bow their heads when I pass by. I lean over my steering wheel slightly, wide-eyed, taking in the strange sight of normal civilization, in the middle of the woods, off a shady ass dirt road.

While there was house here, there wasn't very much of them, only seven that I've counted so far. I come to a stop, noting that they even had stop signs here, before taking the right that the security dude said. This brought me up a winding road that eventually lead to a house slightly bigger than the ones I saw before; I would say upper middle class.

It was slightly secluded from the others and had a car parked outside its double garage. The home was shaped like an "L", and was make up of mostly gray brick with hints of honey brown wood, large windows and a large dark wood front door finishing the look. The house was beautiful to say the least, the flowers panted outside and the large trees surround it adding to the beauty of it all. After gawking at the house for a few more seconds, because watching the home improvement network and the diy network when I was bored had turned me into a bit of a house nut, I exit the car and march up the little steps to the door.

I was hoping to hurry up and find this alpha guy, so he could tell me where Anthony was. I was also hoping to hurry because I was getting hungry and could really go for some chicken nuggets or something. Raising my fist to knock on the gorgeous dark wood front door, I'm robbed of the chance by the door suddenly opening. I step back, startled, as an old woman looking to be in her sixties pull open the door and smiles at me. I straighten myself before trying to inform her of the reason for my sudden presence on her doorstep. I'm interrupted again, because she seems to like doing that, and she tells me that "he's upstairs and she's just getting off work"

Hmmm guess she doesn't live here.

She shuffles by me, leaving the door open, and clambers down the steps then drive way, disappearing into the trees. Making me wonder if she was going to be okay walking by herself at such an age. I let out a sigh, a bit worried about the old woman before deciding that she probably did this everyday if she worked here and that meant she was probably in better shape than me, so I really had no room to speak. Though everyone on this planet is probably in better shape than me, considering my absolute refusal to exercise.

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