Chapter 6

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Ally's pov.

I'm laid with Nathan as we cuddle on my bed together for a while.

"I'm really sorry, Ally. I am." Nathan says as I look up a him through my eyelashes and smile before leaning up and kissing him softly.
"I know Nathan, I know. I accept your apology because I love you." I say as he smiles and kisses me again.
"I love you too, Ally." Nathan replies as I just lay with him a little while longer.

I look at the time and see that it's 1:30.

"Nath, we have class in 30mins. Come on, lets get ready." I say as he leaves the room, so I can get changed.

I put on a light blue summer dress with some black wedged heels before meeting Nathan outside. He takes my hand and entwines our fingers as we make our way to class.

"So, any other plans for today?" I ask him as he shakes his head.
"No, I guess I'm only gonna go to class then when it's over probably go with you to your dorm or go home. I haven't got much to do." He replies as I smile.
"Okay." I say as we walk into class.


After class, Nathan says that he gonna go home and change before meeting me at the café. When he finally arrives, we walk in to find everyone already there.

"Hey Ally! Hey Nathan!" They exclaim as I smile and wave.
"Hey guys, what you doing?" I ask as McKenzie smiles.
"Here, Ally. Look at this." McKenzie says, showing me her laptop screen.
"Oh my god! Is that Issac?" I ask as she nods.
"Yeah poor guy. He's down at the hospital." McKenzie says as I look at her shocked.
"What happened to him?" I ask as Nathan butts in.
"Probably got knocked over by a car. It happens." He says as I agree.
"No, some guy started a fight yesterday and he turned out like this." Max says as Belinda sighs.
"I better go and see him. He is my best friend after all. Bye guys." Belinda says as I nod and smile.

"Guys, Ally and I have to go." Nathan says as I look at him confused.
"We've got a date. Bye." He says taking my hand as I wave and follow him to the car.
"A date?" I ask as Nathan nods before getting in the car with me.

A few minutes later, we arrive at the beach where there's a picnic blanket with some food and candles.

"I wanted to make it up to you for earlier." He says as I smile and sit down with him.
"Nathan, it's beautiful." I say as he smiles and pours us both a drink.
"It's the least I could do." He says as I smile and enjoy the evening.

As we walk along the beach we hear some lads calling Nathan's name as we turn to see a group of lads coming towards us.

"Hey Ally, do you mind my mates joining?" Nathan ask as I shake my head and we keep walking.

Within a few minutes I got fed up.

"Nathan, I'm going home." I say as he smiles.
"Okay, Ally." He says as I see one of his mates looking at me sympathetically before I sigh.
"I thought you were different, Nathan! When are you gonna take me on a proper date?!" I shout before running off in the direction where we came from.
"Ally!" Nathan shouts as I keep running.

Once I'd gotten to the road, I stopped running before someone grabbed my arm.

"Ally? Is that your name?" He asks as I turn to see one of Nathan's mates as I nod.
"Yeah." I reply as he pulls me in for a hug as I cry on his chest.
"Here, I'll drive you home. Nathan's just being himself. He's comfortable around you, that's all." He says as I shake my head.
"I don't care. I just want to go home. I don't want to be with him if he's gonna be like this." I say as his friend nods.
"Well, I'm Olli." He says as I smile and shake his hand.

He starts to drive me back to Uni as we talk a little on the way. We exchanged numbers before I waved him off and went back to my dorm to find McKenzie studying.

"Hey, how was the date?" She asks as I then burst into tears again, "Okay, come here." She says as I go to her and she wraps her arms round me.
"Not good." She says as I nod.

She dries my tears before heling me get my pyjamas and putting me in bed.

"You know, just because you're a year older than me, doesn't mean that you have to mother me, Kenzie." I say as she smiles and laughs.
"I do because you're upset, so go to sleep and let's see how you feel in the morning." She says as I nod and drift off into a peaceful sleep.


When I wake up, McKenzie's still asleep as I still don't feel any better. I get up and grab some clothes before going for a shower. After drying myself and getting dressed, I walk back into the dorm to see Nathan sat on my bed with McKenzie glaring at him as I just walk past him and ignore him.

I dry my hair before straightening it and curling the ends. After doing that, I do my make up before grabbing my bag and walking out of the dorm.

"Ally! Wait!" I hear Nathan shouting as my eyes fill up and I keep walking, "Ally!" I hear him shout as I text his friend to see how he's doing while walking to class.

I get to class before taking my usual seat and getting on with it before it ends. Once class was over, I went to the café and Olli for something to eat as we got to know each other a bit better.

"So, how are things between you and Nathan?" He asks as I sigh.
"Ugh, I don't know anymore. I've been ignoring him all morning." I say as Olli looks confused.
"Why?" He asks as I shrug.
"I don't know what to say." I say before hearing Nathan's voice.
"Ally, listen to me. I've got something to say." Nathan says as I stand up with Olli and walk past him, but he pulls me back, "Listen to me." He say as I get out of his grip.

I raise my eyebrows before he starts talking.

"I don't know what came over me last night and I'm really, really sorry. I guess I just wanted my friends to join because it felt really awkward. Please, talk to me, Ally. Say something." He says as I shake my head and look down.
"I honestly have nothing say to you except that we're done. Goodbye Nathan." I say before leaving with Olli.


Chapter 6 is done... I don't know what to write for 7. I honestly don't know if I should carry because I feel like this story is gonna drag on for like 100 chapters or something and I don't want that. I think I'll put the next 2 chapters in Nathan' POV of those two days ( that were in this chapter) and then go back to Ally's pov and skip a couple of months. Anyway, enjoy, bye!

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now