Chapter 10

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Ally's Pov.

While hanging with Jacob, I was also looking around waiting for Nathan. I don't know why I was waiting for him, there was just something about him. He didn't seem right. There was something missing. Something off.

"Hey, Ally. Do you wanna go outside?" I hear Jacob as I smile and nod before we make our way outside with our drinks.
"Have you seen Na-" I stop as my eyes meet with those green ones in front of me, "Nevermind." I whisper as Nathan smiles at me.
"Hey Jacob." He says as Jacob smiles.
"Hey, I'll leave you guys to talk then." He says as I grab his sleeve.
"No, stay." I say as Nathan raises and eyebrow at me.
"You need protection?" He asks as I smile sarcastically at him.
"No. Jacob and I are hanging out so, If you have anything to say to me, you can say to him too." I say as Nathan laughs.
"Oh, really? Hanging out with the popular guy?" Nathan asks as Jacob turns away, "Look, Ally. This is between us two, not Jacob and besides, Jake here has been third wheeling all night while you've been 'hanging out' with McKenzie instead of him. Show the guy a bit of respect, yeah? Oh, and next time you decide to dump me in a public place, make it private, yeah? Bye love." He winks and walks away as I stand there, my mouth wide open, shocked.
"Ally, are you okay?" I hear Jacob's voice as I shake my head.
"I gotta go. S-sorry." I say before pushing my way through the crowds of people to the front where I call a taxi to pick me up from the bus stop.

I get in the taxi and make my way to the university before paying and going to my dorm. I am not dealing with this right now.


When I wake up, McKenzie is nowhere to be seen and Nathan is asleep in her bed. Just then McKenzie walks through the door as I frown at her.

"Why is 'that' in your bed?" I ask as she shrugs.
"He said he wanted to sleep here tonight, so I went and stayed in Jay's dorm. I think he was watching over you, Ally. He really cares about you, yano? He never stopped." She says while smiling before grabbing some clean clothes and leaving the room again.

A few minutes later, Nathan wakes up and slowly turns over to see me watching him with a frown.

"Ally?" He questions as I get up and grab some clothes.
"What" I reply as he sighs.
"Last night. I'm really sorry." He says as I shake my head.
"No,Nathan.It's fine because you were right. What you said was true and now, I'm gonna go because to be completely honest, I don't care what you have to say to me anymore. Bye." I say before walking out and going for a shower.

When I'd sorted myself out and gone back into my room, Nathan was still there as I sighed and looked at him.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask a he sighs and stands up.
"Come here." He says as I slowly walk towards him before her pulls me close for a hug, "I'm gonna be here for you, forever and I will support whatever decision you make, Ally. I'm truly sorry." He says as I just stand there, shocked, probably holding my breath.
"Nathan." I whisper as he pulls out of the hug.
"Yeah?" He whispers back as I look into his eyes.
"I'm sorry too." I whisper as he smiles at me and we hug again, "But, I can't take you back, right now. We can be friends though?" I ask as he nods.
"Yeah, start again as friends." He says as I smile and kiss his cheek softly.


"Hey Kenzie, have you seen Jacob anywhere?" I ask as she points to him and I smile.
"Hey, Jacoeb." I say as he turns and smiles before hugging me.
"Hey..." He trails off as I smile.
"About last night, I'm really sorry." I say as he smiles.
"It's fine Ally. I get it. You were hurt and needed some time. It's okay. I understand." He says as I hug him and kiss his cheek.
"Thank you Jacob." I say as he smiles and leans down close to my face.
"Ally, I want you. I need you. Please, will you go out with me?" Jacob asks as I smile and press my lips against his.


And I'm out of ideas. I'm struggling so much with writer's block at the moment so if anyone has any ideas or wants to help me write chapter 11 please inbox me. That's why this chapter is really really really short so thanks. Bye!

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now