Chapter 12

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I wake up to find McKenzie in her bed as I sigh. I don't know what's wrong with me today or at all anymore. I don't want to get up today because I know that I'll have to face some sort of difficulty with either Nathan or Jacob and I'm not ready for that.

I sigh as I walk over to my wardrobe and pull out my favourite yellow all-in-one. I sigh as I sot out my hair and makeup after getting dressed and grab my bag. I take my phone off charge before deciding to text Nathan to meet me instead of Jacob.

Nathan meets me in the car park as I get in his car beside him and we just sit there for a while.

"You wanted to talk to me?" He questions as I shake my head.
"No, I just wanted to meet you instead of Jake. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that I wanted to talk to you." I say as he smiles at me and wraps his arms round me in a quick hug.
"It's okay. Why didn't you wanna meet Jake? He is your boyfriend after all." Nathan says as I shrug.
"I don't know, but he knows that I'm still in love with you. He said that he could treat me better than you, but I don't think he can. I think he's worse, he's just putting on a good boy thing for uni and then once he's out, that's it. All of everything that I think he is, vanishes. If you get what I mean." I say as Nathan nods.
"Well, that does seem likely, but he likes you. A lot, Ally. I can tell. He's not a bad guy, I promise. You should be happy. I thought you were." He says as I smile.
"I am happy, Nathan, just not with Jake." I say as Nathan shrugs.
"Ally, you're with Jake for a reason. You like him, I know you do. You just don't want to admit it. Plus, you only got with him yesterday, so don't start saying that you're not happy with him because you won't know if you are yet." Nathan says as I stare at him, speechless.
"Why do yo keep doing that, Nathan? Why do you always have to tell me the truth about myself when I already know the truth, Just stop. It's not making life any easier. This was a bad idea. Goodbye, Nathan." I say getting out of the car and going to Jacob's dorm to see if he's awake yet.

I knock on the door and his roommate opens the door ad I smile.

"Is Jacob here?" I ask as he shakes his head.
"Melissa's room. Across the way from McKenzie's." He says as I thank him and go to Melissa's room before standing outside to hear laughing and moaning from the inside.

I open the door a crack to see Melissa and Jacob, clothes thrown everywhere and a condom wrapper on the floor as my eyes fill with tears.

I just shut the door and un down the flights of stairs and out past Nathan's car where he was now leant against the bonnet.

"Ally!" I hear him shout grabbing my wrist, "You're crying." He says as I fall into his chest and cry on him.
"Jacob was having sex with Melissa." I say into his shirt as more tears spill out of my eyes.

Nathan doesn't say anything. Instead he just wraps his arms round me tightly and strokes his fingers through his hair.

After about 20mins, I had stopped crying and just stood holding onto Nathan.

"Hey, Ally." I hear Jacob's voice as I turn to him, "Are you okay? Do you want me to take you to your dorm?" he asks as I turn back and rest my head on Nathan's chest.
"I think you've done enough Jacob. I don't need you to damage her more than you have." I hear Nathan say.
"What are you on about?" Jacob's voice says as I grip onto Nathan tighter.
"She caught you with Melissa McCartney, Jacob. Don't deny it because she saw you." Nathan says as I turn to face Jacob.
"How could you, Jacob? Honestly, I thought you loved me! How could you?" I say as he looks at me and smirks.
"Ally, love. Listen to me. Nobody loves you. Nathan was only playing a game with you, just like I was." Jacob says as Nathan's breathing starts to rise and he starts to get angry.
"Don't you dare say that to her. I love her, Jacob. The only person playing the game here is you, so I suggest you leave, now." Nathan says as I tighten my grip.

Nathan loves me? He loves... Me? Does he mean it or is he just trying to hide the fact that what Jacob is saying might be kinda true?

"Nathan." I whisper as I pull away from the hug to see that Jacob has left.
"Yes, love?" He asks as I look up at him.
"Did you mean it when you said that you love me?" I ask as he diverts his eyes away from mine, closes them and nods once.
"Yes." He says as I take a step backwards.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me, so I know that you're telling the truth. Please." I say as he looks into my eyes.
"Ally Anderson. I love you with all my heart, body and soul. I will never stop loving you, ever. I promise." He says as I connect my lips with his in a rough, but passionate kiss.
"I love you too, Nathan. So much." I whisper as he pulls me into a tight hug and kisses the top of my head.
"I'm never gonna let you go again, ever." Nathan says as I nod and hug him back.

He's mine and mine only.


Okay guys, I think now is the right time to mention this. I don't have any ideas at all. I was gonna make this story like longer than the longest book I've got on here, which I think is 'Siblings' but I don't know. I don't have enough ideas to do that so I'm making this a short story unless I get some ideas. Until then I will finish this story between Chapter 15 and 20. Anyway, I'm gonna try my best and I hope you like this chapter, enjoy :) x

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now