Chapter 13

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Once Nathan and I had finished talking for a while in the car park and sorted everything out, we made our way to the café for what my mother calls brunch, yet I still consider it as breakfast.

We walk in and just sit at a table for two before ordering our drinks and our food.

"Ally? Are you okay?" I hear Nathan as I look up at him.
"Yeah, I'm good. Sorry, I blanked out again." I say as he smiles and takes my hand across the table.
"Happy couple again!" I hear someone exclaim to see McKenzie and Jay walking over as we embrace each other and invite them to join us at our table.
"I thought it was Ally and Jacob together, not you and Ally." Jay says as I shrug.
"He cheated with Melissa. Nathan was there for me when I needed him. He's always there when I need him, that's why I love him." I reply as McKenzie smiles at us.
"You guys are too cute together. Hey, let's go order." McKenzie says taking Jay to order their drinks and food together.

I entwine my fingers with Nathan's as he smiles and kisses my knuckles softly as we finish eating.

"I best be going babe. I'm meeting my mom and sister in town later to go shopping but I'm picking you up at 6, so wear something nice, okay?" Nathan says as I nod and smile.
"Alright, I'll see you then." I say as he leans down and kisses me softly before leaving.
"Hey, where's Nathan going?" I hear McKenzie asks as I smile.
"To meet his mom and sister but, he's taking me out later, so I gotta be ready by 6. Help me?" I ask as she nods.


By 6 I was ready and Nathan was stood at my dorm door. I smiled at him as he took my hand and we walked down to his car.

"Did you have a good afternoon with your mom?" I ask as he smiles.
"I did actually, what about you? I see that you've thrown your clothes everywhere." He laughs as I frown.
"Actually, Kenzie did that because she was looking for this dress." I say as Nathan kisses the top of my head.
"No matter what, you always look beautiful." He says as I smile a little and he starts driving to wherever he's taking me.

He pulls up outside a park and takes my hand before taking me to a hill bit where there's candles and fairy lights with a picnic blanket and basket with food.


Once we'd finished eating we  just lay together and look at the stars, talking for a while until I feel my chest get tight and I can't breathe. I sit up suddenly as Nathan sits up and panics.

"Ally! Ally!" He exclaims as I grip onto his shirt and let the tears fall.
"Na... Than... I... Ca... N't b... Brea... The." I try to say as he picks me up and carries me to the car.

He pulls up outside the hospital before doctors rush out to get me.

They lay me down before everything blurs and turns into darkness...


So this is short because right now it's 3:50am here in the UK and the next chapter is gonna be looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnngggggggg asf, okay, bye :) x

p.s. you'e gonna hate me forever and kill me...

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now