Chapter 9

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Ally's Pov.

I wake up in Nathan's bed with his arms wrapped around my waist. I turn slightly to see him still sleeping as I smile to myself and pull the covers up further. Nathan's moans slightly before I turn round to face him.

I run a finger down his face and sigh before kissing him softly as he kisses me back. 

"Goodmorning, Nathan." I whisper as he smiles.
"Mornin' beautiful." Nathan whispers back, keeping his eyes closed as I giggle.
"Open your eyes." I whisper as his eyes open and I see his gorgeous bright green eyes stare back into my dull brown eyes.

I kiss him again as he kisses me back and cuddles me softly.

"You keep me warm." He moans as I giggle and cuddle him back.
"You keep me warm, Nathan." I reply as he kisses me softly.
"Here, I want to give you something." He says, jumping out of bed and walking over to his draws.

He pulls something out and walks over to me, placing it in my hands. I open it up and see that he's given me one of his hoodies.

"Nathan, you didn't have to." I say amazed as he kisses me softly.
"Yes, I did. I wanted to. I thought you'd like it. It's too small for me now, so it'll be perfect size for you." He says as I smile, "Go on. Try it on." He says as I slide it on.
"It's too big." I giggle as he pulls me towards him by the waist and kisses my forehead.
"No, it's perfect." He says pulling me down to lay with him as I giggle.
"Nathan, stop." I say as He starts to kiss up my neck and tickle me slightly.

He stops and just stares into my eyes as I smile and look back into his eyes. He leans down and connects our lips before softly and slowly pulling away as I bite my lip, keeping my eyes closed.

"I love you, Ally." Nathan says as I smiles and kiss him softly.
"I love you too, Nathan." I reply as he smiles at me.


So Nathan has taken me into town and right now, we're in starbucks, having a drink and talking about the future. God knows why. I'm not even gonna be here. 

"Nathan, can we stop talking about the future? I mean, I'm not even gonna be here,so we're not even gonna be together." I say as he looks at me heartbroken.
"How can you say that to me, Ally? You're already planning to break up with me?" He asks as I shake my head.
"No, Nathan. I'm not. I'm not gonna be here. I'm gonna be somewhere else. Somewhere far away, but don't worry about me. You'll be fine." I say rubbing his cheek with my thumb.
"Don't touch me, Ally." He says removing my hand from his face and standing up, "If you're already planning to break up with me then why not do it right now?"
"Nathan. Stop making a scene." I say standing up to face him.
"No, Ally. Why don't you tell everyone that we only got back together last night and you're already planning to break up with me?!" He shouts as I stare at him..
"I am finding hard to even tell you why I'm not gonna be here Nathan. I'm not planning to break up with you. There's something else." I say as he laughs.
"Something else?" He says as I look at him unable to believe why he's taking this too far.
"Nathan, you're taking this too far. You're overreacting too much." I say as he shakes his head.
"No, Ally. I'm not."He says as the tears build up in my eyes.
"Fine! If that's how you want it! We're done!" I say walking out of the shop.
"Ally! Babe!" I hear him run after me and grab my arm.

I just stand there as he holds my wrist. 

"Let go of me." I say and turn round ripping my arm out of his grip and walking away again.


I get back to my dorm and sit on my bed, placing my head in my hands.

"Hey hun, what'sup?" I hear McKenzie says as I shake my head.
"I don't wanna talk about it." I say as she nods.
"I know it's about Nathan. Anyway, we're going shopping soon. There's a party tonight and you're coming. No buts. You're coming." McKenzie says as I laugh.
"I wasn't gonna say no."


When McKenzie and I arrived at the party, there was already tons of people there including Nathan. When he saw me, he swallowed hard and pushed past me before I saw Jacob.

"Jacob!" I yell as he runs over and hugs me as I hug him back.
"Hey!" He says back as we hang out together at the party, "You look so beautiful." He says as I blush and thank him.

Then my favourite song comes on.

"Hey, Jacob. Will you dance with me?" I ask as he nods and we start to dance together.

The song was change your life by Little Mix.

Once We'd finished the song, we decided to get some drinks and actually party.


So this is also short, sorry, I'll make it up to you. Bye

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now