Chapter 14

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I wake up to bright lights everywhere and the feel of someone's hand entwined with mine and voices... Sad voices.

I look around to see my mom and dad talking to the doctor while Charlotte is sat on one side of the bed crying and Nathan is on the other side, holding my hand.

"Nathan..." I breathe out as everyone's heads turn to me.
"Ally!" Nathan exclaims hugging me before everyone else.
"What happened?" I ask as everyone looks at the doctor to explain.
"Ally, you and Nathan were on a date, then you experienced some breathing difficulty. You have cancer in your lungs." The doctor says as a lump forms in my throat and my mouth goes dry.
"I... I have... C... Cancer?" I stutter out as everyone nods and I go into a state of shock and sadness.

I can't die, not yet. I just can't...

"What about..." I trail off as the doctor looks at me with sad eyes and shakes his head.
"I'm so sorry, Ally." He says before leaving the room as I sit there, unable to do anything.
"What about what? Ally?" I hear Nathan's voice.
"The baby..." I trail off as Nathan looks at me, just as confused as my parents and Charlotte.
"What baby, Ally?" Nathan asks as I look at him and swallow down the lump in my throat.
"Your baby. I was gonna tell you last night, but then this and... And..." I trail off.
"And what?" Nathan asks taking hold of my hand again.
"And now it's gone." I say as the tears fall before I break down and start sobbing into my hands as Nathan pulls me towards him in a tight hug. 

He runs his fingers through my hair, shushing me.

"It's okay, Ally. It's okay, baby." He soothes as I sob harder, "We'll get through this together, I promise you."
"I'm sorry, Nathan. We would've had a family. We could've had a family. I thought that we'd be happy with a baby and being together and then I'm in hospital with cancer and my baby is gone." I sob into his chest as he holds me close and kisses the top of my head.

~ 2 Months Later ~

"Hey baby how you doing?" Nathan asks walking into the room holding some flowers as I smile and nod.
"I'm okay, the nurse is bringing me some food now." I say as he nods and sits beside my bed.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks as I nod.
"I'm fine, I just can't leave this hell hole." I sigh as he smiles a little and takes my hand in his before kissing it softly.
"I wish we could go back to mine and share my bed together one last time. It's cold without you beside me." Nathan says as the tears start streaming down my face.
"You know I can't, Nathan." I say as he holds my hand together.
"You can, Ally. I'm sure they'll-" I cut him off.
"Nathan. I have to stay here. Don't you understand?! I'm gonna die and it could happen tomorrow or next week. That's why they're keeping me here, because I'm gonna die. It's not my choice, it's just one of those things." I say as he stands up and walks to the end of my bed before leaning against it.
"It's not just one of those things though, is it Ally? And I know it's not your choice. To be honest, I think it's you that doesn't understand, Ally. I can't live without you because you mean everything to me. I can't lose you." He says as I sigh and look at my hands.
"Nathan, I'm gonna-" He cuts me off.
"Nathan, please don't shout. We all know that what I'm saying is the truth..." I trial off as Nathan lets the tears fall, "Please Nathan, you need to accept the fact that I am... I am gonna die." I say before Nathan collapses at the end of my bed and just bursts into tears before.

This is the first time I've seen him cry and I have to say, it's the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

"Nathan, please don't cry. I'll be okay. You'll be okay. I promise." I say as he just stays sat where he is on the floor and sobs into his hands.

I sigh and stand up but, instantly fall back down as Nathan looks up and helps me up before sitting on my bed and sitting me on his knee. He buries his face in the crook on my neck as we sit and cuddle for a few mins. Non of us saying anything.

"I love you Ally Jayde Anderson, I do." Nathan mumbles as I hold him tighter.
"And I love you, Nathan James Sykes. I really do."


Okay, so this chapter was slightly longer, but it's kind of sad, considering you know that Ally is dying and that Nathan is sad and it makes me ad when Nathan is sad and all that and ugh... It's just sad! Guys help me!! Enjoy :) x

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now