Chapter 8

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Nathan's Pov.

Once I'd sat in my car for at least a good 25mins, I decided that I'd go to Ally's dorm and wait the next 35mins for her class to end. I sit on the floor outside her dorm room and just wait for Ally to get back.

I pull my phone out and just go onto my gallery and look at the photos that Ally and I had taken together. Yeah, we were together for about 2 days but, we still did a lot together and we still took a lot of pictures together.

I know it didn't seem like we did a lot, but we did. I sigh as I look at the first photo I took of us, the one in the mirror.

"Nathan?" I hear Ally's voice as I lock my phone and look at her, "Why are you crying?" She asks as I wipe my eyes.
"Oh, I didn't realize I was crying, sorry. I was waiting for you Ally. I wanna talk to you." I reply as she smiles and takes my hands, pulling me up off the floor.

Once I'd stood up, I was facing her as she places her hand on my cheek and looks into my eyes. She wipes away the remaining tears and wraps her arms round my neck.

"Nathan, I saw that you were looking at our photo." She mumbles into my shoulder as I hold her tighter, "Is that why you're crying?" She asks sweetly as I nod.
"Yeah, Ally. I miss you. I love you so much and I miss you so much. I never wanted to lose you and I have and I'm so sorry." I say as she grips onto the back of my shirt and I hear her breathing hitch.

I pull away to see the tears falling from her eyes as I wrap my arms round her. She falls into my chest, her arms tucked underneath her as she cries on my shoulder, while I hold her close.

"I didn't want it to end the way it did, Nathan. I didn't want it to but it was your fault. You let your friends join and I wanted it to be just us two. I thought it was gonna be a proper date, I've never been on a proper date before and it broke my heart to know that you didn't feel the way that I did about it because you've obviously been on way more proper dates then I have..." I cut her off.
"No, Ally. I haven't. That's why I let my friends join us, because I haven't been on a proper date before. The girls I've been with in the past, the only thing we did is have sex and break up. I never went on dates with them girls. You're the only girl I've ever wanted to take on a date, but that didn't work out as planned." I say as she looks up at me.
"Really?" She asks as I nod once.
"Yeah. Ally, you're the only girl I've actually ever loved. You're the first girl I let sleep in my clothes. You're the first girl, that isn't my sister, I've took photos with. You're the only girl I want to stay with. You're the only girl that I wanna spend the rest of my life with. You're the only girl that actually means something to me." I say as she leans up to my face and presses her lips against mine in a soft passionate kiss.
"I feel exactly the same." She says as I smile and kiss her again, bending her over backwards in the process.

When I pull away and pull Ally back up, she seemed to have bright red cheeks and was blushing hard as I smiled at her before pecking her lips softly.

"Wait, Nathan, come here. Feel my pulse." She says as I nod and feel her pulse on her wrist, "Do you feel how fast my heart is beating?" She ask as I nod.
"Yeah?" I ask as she nods.
"My heart never beats that fast unless I see you or I'm with you." She says as I blush a bright pink colour.
"Really?" I ask as she nod.
"Really." She whispers as I pull her into a hug.

She looks into her dorm room and sighs. 

"We would go in there but McKenzie is in there sleeping." She says as I take her hand and take her to my car as we start the drive to my house.

We pull up outside my house as I help her out and take her hand. We walk into my house before checking for my mom and Jess.

"They're not here." She says as I nod.
"Good thing." I reply as we walk upstairs to my bedroom and lock the door.

Ally lays on my bed as I smile a her.

"I could stay her forever. You're bed is so comfy, unlike my dorm room bed." Ally says as I laugh.
"Yeah, I know." I reply laying down beside her as we turn on our sides to look at each other.

Ally runs her fingers down my face as I smile at her and press my lips against hers as she flips me over and kneels above me, kissing me as I kiss her back. She moves her hair out of her face and kisses me again as we start having a full make-out session. Her hands move from my chest down to my lower stomach, way too close to my area as her hands rest there.

"Ally, what are you doing?" I groan as she smiles at me.
"Nothing, baby. My hands feel more comfortable there." She says as I nod and we start making out again before it gets too much and I flip us over and look down into her eyes.
"I want to have make-up sex with you." I groan in her ear as her breathing hitches and speeds up.
"Nathan." She whispers as I kiss her neck.
"Ally." I whisper back.


Okay, so the picture attached is a collage of cute couples. Just pretend the guy is Nathan, please. One of the pictures is Nathan from his video Give It Up but the other guys, pretend please. Okay, enjoy, Bye!

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now