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Nathan's Pov.

After I drove away from Gloucester, I found signs to London and decided to go there before I would sit down in a pub and decide what I'm gonna do next.

Am I gonna stay in London or go somewhere else? I just know for sure that I'm not going back to Gloucester. I can't. Everyone would be so disappointed in me because of running away as soon as Ally died...

Why did I do that? Why am I so stupid? I'm definitely not going to her funeral. If I make an appearance... Damn, everyone's gonna hate me.

I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket which causes me to pullover and answer it.

(Nathan - N, Jess - J)

J: Nathan, where are you?
N: I'm on my way to London.

J: You're girlfriend died 15 mins ago and you're on your way to London? You were here when she died Nathan! You didn't tell anyone?!
N: I'm sorry Jess,  but I can't handle this right now. Ally means nothing to me. Goodbye Jess.

I hang up before switching off my phone an throwing it in the back seat. I then start the long drive to London once again.

Why me?


Okay guys, A/N next and then this is complete. I know this was really short but I'm sorry guys... Byee xo

Shattered - A Nathan Sykes Fanfiction - AUWhere stories live. Discover now