Chapter 4

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Ally's Pov.

Nathan sat beside me at the desk while I searched some stuff on my laptop. Suddenly he pulls me towards him and starts to kiss up my neck.

"Nathan, stop it." I say, pushing him away as he smirks at me.
"Why?" He says as I look at him.
"Because we're supposed to study." I say as he starts to kiss my neck again.

I can't say that I don't like it, because I do like it. I want him to be mine. I want him to be my boyfriend. My everything.

"Nathan. Date me?" I ask as I feel him create a purple mark on my neck.
"Yes." He whispers before pulling away from my neck, "Jesus, that can't be hidden, Ally." He says as I look at my neck.
"NATHAN!" I yell as he laughs at me.
"Sorry love, gotta mark my territory." He says as I turn to him.
"It's a good thing I'm in love with you." I say as he smirks at me.
"Yeah, it is a good thing. That's gonna be there for weeks." He says as I sigh and frown.

I sigh and carry on trying to study before Nathan pulls me out of my seat and pulls me close to him by my waist. His soft lips connect with mine  as I kiss him back and wrap my arms round his neck. He pulls away and looks into my eyes as I bite my lip and divert my eyes to the floor.

"Ally, look at me." He says as I look up into his eyes before he smiles at me, "You're beautiful, and I never want you to change, for anyone."
"Nathan, I'm not beautiful." I reply as he pushes me away from him.
"What's with your insecurity, Ally? I mean, can you not just believe that you're beautiful for 5 minutes?" He asks as I look at the floor.
"I can't, Nathan. I'm really sorry." I reply as he lifts up my head and leaves a quick kiss on my lips.

We decide to watch a few movies before Nathan had to leave and McKenzie came home. Halfway through the third movie, Nathan started to kiss my neck and tried to cuddle me, but in the position we were laid in, it was quite impossible.

After watching at least 6 movies, we got kinda bored and decided to go out. We got into Nathan's car as he started driving and pulled up outside his house. I unclipped my seatbelt as Nathan came round to myside of the car and helped me out before locking hi car and entwining our fingers together.

I smile at him before he opens the door and leads me up to his room, telling me to be quiet as everyone is probably asleep. We enter his bedroom as I look around, astonished.

I take in my surroundings and smile. His bedroom was painted a dark blue colour and h had a balcony that looked out over the town. The view was gorgeous. He had an en suite bathroom that could fit both of us and at least 3 other people in it. His bed was huge. It was a king size bed and to me, that's huge. Beside the bed on both sides, there was a bedside cabinet with 3 draws each and on top of one there was a lamp. On top of the other was literally nothing.

One the far side of the room, next to the balcony doors was a desk which had his laptop, a lamp and a book on top of it. I then notice that his bedroom was unusually tidy and that he also had a wardrobe and a set of draws for which he kept his clothes and shoes in while his aftershave and deodorant were placed on top of the draws.

"David Beckham..." I trail off before looking at Nathan and smiling as he smiles back.
"Uh... Yeah, but saying that, it smells epic." Nathan says walking over to me and placing his arms round my waist and putting his chin on my head.

He walks me over to the full length mirror before wrapping his arms round my waist from behind and kissing the top of my head, now resting his chin on it again. He then pulls out his phone and takes a picture of us together before showing me.

"Ally, look at us. We look so perfect together, like nothing in this world could ever be so perfect until I met you." Nathan says as I turn to face him.

He looks into my eye as I smile and look into his before he leans down and I lean up. Our lips connect as Nathan puts both of his hands on my face and my arms are wrapped round his neck. As we share this kiss, Nathan moves us to the bed before laying me down on it softly, still kissing me.

I feel his hands move from my face and down to my breasts as he starts to caress them through my shirt and bra before slowly moving his hands down my stomach and to my hips, now hooking his fingers inside the hem of my jeggings, tugging at them as I break away to moan a little. 

I pull his t-shirt off him as he kicks off his shoes, taking mine off too. He then pulls my top off me and my bra before starting to slowly play with my breasts, making sure that I loved every second of it. I moaned slightly as he pulled my jeggings down my legs, slowly as I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

After he threw them to the floor, he moved up my body and started to focus on my neck as I moaned out for him, loving the feeling that he was giving me before he threw his jeans to the floor. By now I was left in just my underwear and Nathan, his boxers.

Pretty soon, the remaining piece of clothing that was left on our body was removed as Nathan pulled a condom out of his draw and held it in his hands.

"Ally, do you want this? If you don't, tell me now. I know this is your first time." Nathan says as I hold his hands as I nod.
"I want this Nathan. I know we've been together now, like what, a few hours, but I want this. I know I do." I say as he nods and puts the condom on before waiting at my entrance.
"If it hurts to much, tell me to stop, okay?" He says as I nod.
"Okay." and then he pushes himself into me.

I groan from the pain as he slowly slides himself all the way inside me and waits until I was comfortable with the new feeling inside my lower area. I nod at him as he leans down and kisses me softly before he starts to move himself in and out of me, making me groan from the pain but moan from the pleasure. Once I'd gotten used to the feeling he started to move a little faster and go in deeper as I moaned and groaned louder.

Pretty soon a new feeling washes over me, making me forget the pain as he stats to move quicker. He puts and arm behind my back and lifts me up slightly as his lips connect with mine and he starts to thrust into me quickly as my arms wrap round his neck, bringing him closer to me as I moan out loud from him.

"Jesus Nathan! Yes! Oh my god!" I exclaim as he smirks at me and creates a few more dark purple marks on my neck, shoulder and chest.
"Jesus Christ Ally!" He exclaims, "Jesus, you're gonna make me cum if you keep moaning like that." He places me back down on the bed and flips us over so I'm on top.

He holds my hips as I start to move up and down on him, grinding and moving my hips in circular motions. Nathan groans loud and I moan and feel him grip my hips tighter before he starts to thrust upwards into to me making me moan loud for him.

"Jesus Christ, Ally." He groans before he thrusts one last time, making me cum for him as he groans before pulling out and letting me collapse beside him.

He pulls the condom off and disposes of it before he takes my hand and guides me to the shower. We have a quick shower together before he throws me a pair of boxers and an oversized t-shirt to sleep in before I climb into bed beside him.

His arms wrap round my waist from behind as he kisses up my neck and behind my ear softly, sending shivers down my spine.

"Are you okay, Ally?" Nathan ask as I turn my head and smile.
"Yeah, Nathan. I'm good, thanks." I say as he kisses my neck again, pulling the covers up further.
"How as it for you?" He asks as I smile.
"It was amazing. To be honest, it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would." I reply as he kisses my cheek.
"Good, lets get some sleep and see how you feel in the morning." He says as I agree and we both fall  into a peaceful sleep.


Okay, so I did a dirty chapter because I wanted to see how it would work out and fit into this chapter and obviously before the chapter is called 'studying' with Nathan, you get my drift. Anyway, enjoy guys. Bye xo

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