Drunk Confessions

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JiYongs POV

I had decided to stay the night to make sure she was going to be okay. After he humming so fell asleep quite easily. It was a nap basically. As she slept I had gone to her kitchen to make her some food and coffee to help her.

I myself began to feel sick but I pushed it aside. I continued to make her something to ease her soon to be stomach ache. As I was making her food and coffee I heard her groan which meant she had tried to get up.
"Yah! Just stay in your bed don't move!" I yelled from out in the kitchen.
"JiYong? What are you doing here?" She yelled back. I didn't reply I didn't want her to worry at all.

I put the food on a plate and poured the coffee and went back into her room. I set them on the table next to her.
"Here eat this and drink this, it'll ease your stomachache better. When I first began drinking that always helped me get through the day."
"W-what happened? Why are you-? What happened?" She hadn't remembered anything. "Well you went out drinking at a bar with your ex, Seunghyun and Taeyang just happened to be there so one of them texted me describing the guy and I knew who it was so I came to your house and waited for you. When you got here he forced himself on you so I told him he needed to leave and I brought you into your bed and now here we are." I explained briefly and smiled at her reassuring that everything was okay.

"I'm so sorry I don't know-I've never-" I cut her off with a smile, "it's okay, now shut up and eat your food." She laughed and did just that. She slowly ate the food and drank the coffee. I could tell she had alcohol still in her system due to her stuttering. It was cute though. "You know at the bar he kept asking me about my love life, as if he had anything to do with it." She stated not looking up at me. "Well it's none of his business don't you think?" She nodded and blurted out "JiYong, why don't you have a girlfriend and if you do have one, why don't you ever talk about her?" She was asking now personal questions. I would too, it was only fair. "Well I don't have one and I'm not sure on why I don't I guess it never occurred to me." I really didn't know why I didn't have a girlfriend. I could get girls if I wanted to its just finding a girl I liked the same way was hard. "And why don't you have a boyfriend?" I looked at her and she looked up at me. "Well it's because the persons I tend to like I'm not sure on how they feel and I don't want to invade their privacy. Plus last time I liked a guy and he liked me back it didn't turn out so well." She shrugged and drank more coffee.

I felt kind of bad for asking after but it was only fair..right? "Well I'm honestly really shocked you don't have a girlfriend." She giggles at bit when saying that. "Why is that?" She stopped giggling as if she hadn't expected me to ask.
"Well okay, let me be really honest here. You're kind, you're sweet, you're funny, you're smile is like stars shining in a dark dark sky. You have a contagious laugh. You're protective. Just stuff that someone like myself would see in a human being. The small details..ya know?" She had seen shy when she responded which was okay with me.
"I'm surprised you don't have a boyfriend, you're very talented." I shot back at her almost mimicking the things she said to me. "Why is that?" She mimicked as well. We both laughed for a minute and I began to talk, "Talented, sweet, you're gentle. The things you like show you in a bigger way than words can. You show passion through different ways, dancing, singing, whatever it is. You're unique in a world like this. You're voice has this certain harmony to it when you talk-" what I was about to say next I hadn't expected to say to her ever, it was something I kept a secret to myself, "-especially the way you say my name when you need me. The-" I realized what I had said.

You're not even drunk and you're letting your secrets out! My mind had began to scream at me. She looked at me with a bit of shock in her eyes. She could tell I felt embarrassed so she began to talk. "Another thing is the way you're skin feels against others bare skin, the way you're hand holds onto things tightly, or the way you're laugh or voice or smile can make someone's heart skip a million beats.." She had said very quietly.

She was spilling secrets too, so I wouldn't do them alone. I looked at her and laughed a bit and she did too, she placed her hand on my hand lightly. I couldn't help to feel that maybe it was the alcohol talking so I decided maybe tomorrow I would talk to her more about when she had gotten some sleep.

I began to get up to leave the room and she grabbed my hand. "Why don't you stay for the night, please don't leave me alone..I'm afraid.." I looked into her soft, gentle brown eyes and nodded. I couldn't say no whenever it came to her. I laid next to her in her bed and made sure everything would be okay when she-or I mean we woke up. It felt weird to say we but it also felt weird to be in bed with her since we hadn't ever been like this.

She began to fall asleep and she held onto my arm as she slept and I let her. I placed my hand on her arm lightly and gripped softly onto her arm so she couldn't leave.

I then fell asleep with her next to me,,

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