Don't be Scared {Eren}

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I was told to credit the artist who is kika501 and I think on instagram maybe?

"Eren are you sure you're okay with this?" You asked, watching your boyfriend as he took many deep breaths.

"Yeah sure I'm completely fine," he said, nodding his head. You raised an eyebrow.

"Really? Because your hand is shaking," you pointed out. Eren looked at you and sighed.

"I'm honestly really nervous," he said, biting his lip nervously. You hopped off of the stool you sat on and walked over to him. You stroked his head.

"Aw, is my baby scared?" You asked in a baby voice. He pushed your arm away and crossed his arms.

"Eren? Are we ready?" Hanji Zoe walked in, popping her knuckles. Eren gulped nervously and shook his head.

"Hanji? Mind if I talk to Eren first?" You asked. She nodded and turned to walk back out. But not before winking. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Eren. You put one arm around his shoulders and one on his chest.

"Eren, it's just a few experiments. Hanji would never harm you," you said, attempting to calm him down. You could tell it was working a little. His breathing steadied and his hands weren't shaking as much.

"Right. But what if something goes wrong?" He asked. His eyes widened and you could see the nervousness returning.

"Eren, you know that Hanji is humanity's smartest. Nothing could possibly go wrong with her." You rubbed your hand in circles on Eren's back. You hated seeing him so freaked out.

"But accidents happen, Y/n." Okay, you couldn't argue with that. You took a step back and looked into his eyes. You took his hands in yours and kissed them.

"I promise you, nothing will go wrong," you assured him. You kissed the top of his head and hugged him tightly. He took one last deep breath and nodded.

"Okay. Okay nothing will go wrong," he said, mostly to himself. You weren't too worried, but Eren obviously was. You gave him one last kiss and squeezed his hands reassuringly. You walked back over to your stool and sat down.

"Hanji! He's ready," you called. Hanji burst back into the room surprisingly fast.

"Okay Eren time for some experiments!" She exclaimed, rubbing her hands together. Eren gulped nervously. You gave him a thumbs up and smiled. He looked back at Hanji and nodded confidently.

A few hours later...

"YOU SAID NOTHING WOULD GO WRONG!" Eren shouted, giving you a betrayed look.

"Babe, I'm sorry! Hanji apologized and I apologized just plesse drop it," you said, exasperated from Eren's shouting and screaming. He walked away and ignored you. Armin walked up next to you and watched Eren go.

"What's wrong?" He asked. You sighed and shook your head.

"I told Eren that nothing would go wrong in Hanji's experiments. She accidentally poked him with a needle and he shifted," you explained, massaging your temples.

"That's what that crash was about an hour ago was?" He asked. You nodded.

"I'd better go talk to him," you said, running off in the direction that your boyfriend had gone.

Soon after...

After awhile of searching, you came to the conclusion that Eren had retreated to his room. You knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He yelled.

"It's me!" You yelled back. There was silence. You rolled your eyes and pushed the door open.

"Eren..." You said. He was laying on his bed, just staring at the ceiling.

"Are you mad at me?" You asked, walking over to him. He sighed and sat up. You sat on the opposite end of the bed.

"No..." He said.

"So then why were you yelling and stuff?"

"Because...It's hard to explain Y/n."

"Explain it to me." Eren sighed and leaned against the wall.

"I know it wasn't your fault. There wasn't anything you could've done. And it was only just a needle it didn't hurt that bad."

"Okay so I don't understand why you're mad." You scooted next to Eren and leaned against him. He draped an arm around you and pulled you closer.

"I wasn't exactly, I guess I was just scared," he said. You looked up at him.

"You don't have to be scared," you whispered. He smiled and looked down at you.

"I know," he said, kissing the top of your head. You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder.

Okay this was pretty shitty (heh that rhymed) but I didn't have any other ideas so yeah. I've been wanting to write these AOT oneshots for awhile I just didn't because I didn't think they'd be easy to write and I'd get the characters wrong and it was just a big mess inside my mind.  Okay so see y'all next chapter!


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