Believe Me 2 {Levi}

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Pt. 2 Levi×Reader

You scrunched your nose up at the thought of going on a date with Levi.

"If you don't like him, why are you doing this?" Mikasa asked, looking at your plain white jeans and f/c button up shirt.

"Because if I don't he'll never get off my case," you said, tugging at the last bit of tangled hair with a worn down brush. There was a knock at the door. She stood up and opened it. Levi stood on the other side with no expression, which wasn't surprising.

"Hi," you said bluntly, appearing in front of him.


He wore what he usually did, except without the jacket or cape, there was no cravat, and all the basic straps were gone.

"Hi," he replied.

"Okay well it's time for a trial date," you said shrugging. Levi turned and started walking. You followed him and heard the door shut behind you.

"So we're going into town?" You asked. There was a brief discussion the day before about where the trial date would be held.

"Yes," he said, still walking.

"What, no degrading insults?" You asked jokingly. You were surprised neither of you had already spilt the other's blood.

"Not anymore. Thanks to Shitty Glasses I'm... 'better at showing affection' as she puts it." You walked the rest of the way in silence.

After walking...

Levi led you into a little known resteraunt in town. You sat across from him as a waitress brought out two cups of water.

"What do people talk about during....dates?" You asked, scrunching your nose up in slight disgust at the last word.

"Tell me about your family," he suggested.

"Um, alright...? When the titans first attacked I got separated from my parents and sibling. They're probably dead," you said with a small shiver.

"And that doesn't bother you?"

"Not particularly there's not much I can do about it now."

"I see." Pretty soon a waitress came up and took your orders, which was just chicken soup.

"What about you?" You asked, stirring your soup around.

"That's not important." Levi looked down and took a small bite of his soup.

I wonder what he's hiding from me...

"Well that's hardly fair."


"I tell you about my family but I get nothing on yours?"

"You don't want to hear about mine."

"Alright fine. Then tell me something no one else would know," you said, crossing your arms.

This ought to be interesting

"It took Hanji and Erwin both to convince me not to wear my cravat. Even that took all of yesterday and today," he said.

"Wait are you serious?"



After you finished eating,  Levi decided to take you around town for a walk. You agreed, and followed him out.

"How's this trial date going so far?" He asked, catching you by surprise.

"I guess it's going fine," you said with a shrug. He stopped walking and turned to face you.

"Y/n, did this trial date change anything?" He asked. Your thoughts throughout the night were definitely conflicted.

I mean, I'm not compelled to bash his face in anymore...But I can't say that it sounds stupid and immature. Wait am I trying to sound mature? For Levi? Huh, maybe this trial date did change the way I feel about him...

"Y'know Levi, if you had asked me that before I probably would've rolled my eyes and insult you. But now, I'm starting to think I've warmed up to you." Your gaze went up as you looked at the beautiful shimmering stars.

"So what are you saying?" Levi asked.

"I'm saying maybe we could go on a real date and see what happens then," you said coyly.

Levi's PoV

She was staring up at the night sky. Her h/l h/c hair was being blown around by the wind. I'm not typically one to think about these sorts of things, but I truly would enjoy a real date.

"You want a real date?" I asked, crossing my arms. She looked over at me with a little sparkle in her special
e/c eyes

"Why not? I'm starting to hate you a lot less," Y/n said with a smile.

"Tch." She laughed a little and started walking.

Okay well I didn't really know how else to end this and also I didn't know what else would even happen so yeah. Requests are still open and I have a few ideas so yeah. Okay well see y'all next chapter!


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