A Little Hurt {Jean}

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I found the media picture on Pinterest

You swung through the trees, running from the oncoming titan.

"Jean!" You called. Jean swung next to you.

"It's an abnormal!" He yelled. You nodded and waited for the titan to show up. It bounded through forest and knocked down any tree standing in its way.

"Let's go!" You yelled. You swung over near the nape of its neck and attempted to slash at it, but not before it took a swing at you. It hit you, but you managed to recover before flying into anything.

"Y/N!" Jean screamed. You pulled yourself up into a large, high up branch.

"I'M OKAY!" You yelled, holding your stomache with your arms. You watched Jean get angrier. He whizzed past the titan and slashed its neck as deeply as he could. He swung up next to you as the titan collapsed to the ground.

"Y/n! Are you okay?!" He asked worriedly, holding you by the shoulders.

"I-I'm fine," you lied. Your ribs felt like they had been crushed into more pieces than the writer's heart.


"Are you sure?"

"Jean, I'm okay," you said, looking up at him. He sighed and pulled you into a gentle hug. You winced a little.

"You're lying," he whispered. You burried your face into his chest and took a deep breath.

"My ribs. I-I think they're broken," you said.

Nobody say anything if this doesn't seem accurate I'm uneducated about the world

"We need to go find the others," Jean said, pulling away. You nodded and followed him down the tree. Once you landed on the groud, you lost your balance and fell over. Thankfully Jean caught you before you hit the ground. You sighed and stood up. You thanked him and started to walk in the direction you came from.

"Oh jesus!" You yelled. Your leg gave out from underneath you, and this time you did hit the ground.

"Y/n!" Jean exclaimed, running over to help you up.

"Ha...I didn't realize that my leg hurt this bad," you said with a small laugh. Jean sighed and picked you up.

"What are you-"

"You're in no condition to walk," he said, holding you bridal style.

"I'm pretty sure I can make it to-"

"No arguing. I'm carrying you until we find a horse since ours ran away."

"But Jean you ARE a horse." He narrowed his eyes at you.

"But your MY horse," you said, booping his nose.

He smiled and kissed your forehead.

"As much as I absolutely hate it...I love you," he said as he began to walk.

"Aw I love you too," you replied, resting your head on his shoulder. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry that you have to carry me," you said.

"Nah it's okay. I like carrying you," he said. You blushed a little and decided to close your eyes.

A while later...

"Jean! Y/n!" Someone exclaimed. You opened your eyes to see a few people running towards you.

"Huh?" You asked. You were a bit groggy.

"You fell asleep," Jean whispered.

"Is she okay?!" Someone asked. It was Marco. He was looking frantically between you and Jean.

"She can't walk and her ribs are probably broken."

"Come on there's another horse over here." Marco led Jean over to a horse. They lifted you up onto it and Jean hopped up behind you.

"We're heading back?" He asked. Marco nodded.

"Come on."

Later at the Survey Corps place...

You sat bored in the infirmary. Nothing was exactly happening, and Jean hadn't come to see you in awhile.

"Y/n?" Oh speak of the devil. He walked over and sat on the edge of your bed.

"Hey," you said smiling. Jean scooted closer to you and grabbed your hand.

"How are you?" He asked.

He seems too worried...

"I'm fine, just bored," you said. He scooted even closer to you and gave you a kiss. You closed your eyes and kissed him right back. You stayed like that, lips locked for as long as you could. Jean pulled away and smiled at you.

"Still bored?" He asked. You smirked and rolled your eyes.

"Whatever," you muttered.

"I'm sorry Y/n..."

"Sorry?! For what?"

"If I had helped you out you wouldn't have gotten hurt..." Jean broke eye contact with you and started messing with his hands. You sighed and grabbed the top of his head in your hand. You turned it back so he was looking at you again.

"Jean, it wasn't your fault if that's what you're saying," you said.

"I just feel like I could've done more to help you." You squinted.

"Sorry, are you blaming yourself?"


"Then stop worrying about it." You smiled and attempted to lean over to hug him.

"Wait woah woah woah, don't do that you're still injured," he said, pushing you back onto the pillow. You scrunched your nose and crossed your arms.


'Ello tis I. So yeah I usually put my favorite character as the first oneshot but this time I didn't. I love Eren but yeah he's not my favorite. I don't hate him or anything it's just that Jean and Hanji come first in my opinion- why am I trying to justify myself? Eh. Okay well see y'all next chapter!


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