Believe Me {Levi}

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You sat in the mess hall, munching on your bread. You looked up to see Captain Levi walking in. You rolled your eyes and groaned internally.

Oh god here we go...

He walked past and paused behind you.

"Shitty brat... I can smell your awful stench from here," he spat. You turned in your seat and smiled up at him.

I'm just digging myself in a deeper hole...Oh well it can't get worse

"Who me? Sorry that's my jackass repellent except it doesn't seem to be working," you said, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion. Everyone else stopped talking and turned to look at you and Levi. It was silent.

"I didn't realize a jackass themself could wear it," he responded, completely poker faced. There were a few faint, "Ooohs" from some idiots.

"Wait you're wearing the repellent too?!" You asked, feigning surprise.

"Why you shitty-" he was cut off by Hanji.

Thank god, I'm getting sick of this

"Levi guess what? I've made some new discoveries about Sawney and Bean why don't you come listen?!" She asked, pulling Levi away towards another table. You turned back to your bread and everyone else thankfully went back to their respectful lives as well.

Why does this ONLY happen to me?

Later that day...

You walked around outside with your best friend Mikasa.

"You shouldn't be picking fights with the captain," she said out of nowhere. You looked at her.

"Me?! He's the one who insulted me first!" You exclaimed, obviously offended. 

"You didn't have to retaliate."

"I needed to show him that I'm not gonna put up with his shit."

Nobody's PoV

"What's up with your attitude with Cadet L/n? You don't give anyone else that kind of crap," Hanji said, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Tch. Get off my desk, Four Eyes," Levi said, clearly annoyed. Hanji hopped off and turned to him.

"But seriously, you're always at each other's throats. You're not like that to anyone else," she said, stroking her imaginary moustache. Levi didn't answer, he only sipped his tea.

"OH I THINK I KNOW WHAT THIS IS!" Hanji yelled, causing Levi to drop his cup, the contents spilling all over him.

"Tch, look what you made me do," he muttered, standing up.

"Yeah yeah sorry here take this towel." She threw a random towel at him.

"But seriously I know why you 'hate' Cadet L/n so much. YOU LIIIIIIKE HER DON'T YOU, CORPORAL?!?" Hanji wiggled her finger in the angry man's face.

If you know what I tried to reference I'll love you forever

"Obviously not," he said, still trying to clean himself up.

"You do, you know how I know?"


"You show affection horribly!" Levi turned to Hanji with a raised eyebrow.

"Alright, maybe I do care for the brat," he said reluctanlty.

*Back to You*

You managed to dodge Mikasa's swings and kicks, but didn't have any luck striking her back.

"Cadet L/n," you heard someone call.

"Huh?" You turned, not realizing that Mikasa was taking the opportunity to judo flip you.

It will always be judo flipping

You groaned as two shadows loomed over you. You looked up to see Ackerman Squared. Levi and Mikasa stood staring down at you.

"Get up," Levi said, outstretching a hand. You took it without really thinking and were suddenly pulled up off your butt.

"Wait a second why are you-"

"Be quiet and come with me," he said, letting go of you and walking off. You growled and clenched your fists, stalking after him. You followed him all the way to his office where he shut the door.

"Sit," he said, walking to his special corporal chair.

"What do you want?" You asked, not really giving two shits if he punishes you or not.

"Hanji figured I should get this over with, so I might as well." You raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Get what over with?"

"Shut your mouth and let me talk. Alright brat, listen up. I care for you," Levi said bluntly. His facial expression hadn't shifted at all so you assumed this was some practical joke.

"Right and my eyebrows are bigger than Erwin's," you replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious."

"Are you?"

"Tch. Why won't you believe me?"

"Hmm I dunno maybe it's because of the torment, bullying, name calling, and stupid insults."

"Maybe. But I care for you none the less and it's fine whether you realize that or not." Was that an emotion? Even if for only a split second, you could've sworn you saw something flash across Levi's face.

It was probably crippling disappointment given the fact that this prank isn't working on me.

"Am I excused now?" You asked, itching to get out of the stuffy office.

"Fine. Leave." You stood up and started walking to the door. You were about to walk out when something grabbed your wrist. It whirled you around to come face to face with Levi. You glanced down to see him gripping your wrist.

"Let go," you muttered. His eyes were searing into yours.

"I really do care for you."

"Okay fine let's say I do believe you. Who's to say I feel the same way?"

"I'm not saying you have to feel the same way."

"Great because I don't." You wrenched your arm free from his grasp. You could see how hurt he looked, even if he was trying his best to hide it. You sighed.

"Fine. If you want we can.... go on a trial date or something. If that doesn't work out then we never speak of this again, okay?" You suggested. The corner of Levi's mouth twitched as if he were attempting a smile.


I don't know whether I should make a part two to this or not. Should I? I'm incredibly indecisive sooo... Anyways, I'm working on an Armin oneshot but I'm kinda stuck on it so I apologize if you're wanting an Armin chapter. Okay well see y'all next chapter!


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