Even Better {Armin}

879 10 2

Modern AU
O/f/c: other favorite color

You glanced down at your slightly fancy f/c shirt and the black jeans.

"This isn't too casual?" You asked. Sasha flipped back onto your bed.

"Hmm...I know!!!"She exclaimed, jumping up and running to your closet. She dug around for a minute and pulled out a o/f/c vest.

"Here!" She said, handing it over to you. You slipped it on and observed yourself in the mirror.

"This does make it better," you said.

"Now time for hair and makeup!" Sasha hopped around excitedly while pulling you towards the bathroom.

A while later...

You opened your eyes at last and looked up at your best friend.

"You look great!" She exclaimed, turning you towards the mirror. You had (a lot/a little) makeup on.

Whichever you choose

Your hair was styled (a way you like) except it looked especially nice.

"Thank you so much, Sasha!" You said, hugging her tightly.  She hugged back but soon jumped back. She held her wrist up to check the time.

"I'd better get going! Armin's gonna be here soon and I gotta meet Connie at that new fast food place! Good luck, Y/n," she said, patting your shoulder and zooming out the door to meet her boyfriend. You chuckled and stepped out into the hall. You glanced at the clock on the wall. About ten minutes until Armin arrived.

I could probably watch some YouTube to kill some time...

After a few/part of (fave YouTuber's) video/videos you shut your laptop.

Some YouTubers have long or short videos you decide what it is

You got up off your bed and slipped on your Converse upon hearing the doorbell ring. You rushed downstairs and took one last glance down at yourself.

Okay, here it goes...

You took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile. Armin stood there holding (fave flowers). His fancy pants and white shirt looked so good on him...

"H-Hi Armin," you said, all of a sudden becoming a stuttering mess.

"You look nice," he said shyly, handing you the flowers.

"So do you," you replied quietly.

"I uh....Oh! Hello Mr. L/n...?" You slowly turned around to see your dad sharpening a knife behind you.

"Oh, are you taking Y/n out on a date? Excuse me I had no idea," he said poker faced and sarcastic.

"Um, Dad? Could you put these flowers in a vase?" You asked, batting your eyelashes and putting then in your dad's hands. He grumbled something inaudible and walked away.

"Okay Armin let's go before he decides to USE the knife," you whispered, walking out and shutting the door behind you.

"S-So, I have a surprise planned," Armin said looking at you.

"Oh really? I'm excited," you said, leading him down your driveway.

"I uh, I hope it's okay we're walking. It-It's really not far," he stuttered.

"It's fine! I could use SOME form of exercise this year," you said jokingly.

After a walk...

"Here we are!" Armin exclaimed. You looked up at a semi-fancy looking diner.

"It smells amazing," you said, taking a few deep breaths.

"The food tastes even better," he said, glancing down at your hand as if he wanted permission to hold it. You smiled and laced your fingers through his, which caused his face to turn crimson.

He IS the Crimson King after all

He led you inside to a two-person booth settled near the window. A waitress walked up and smiled, pulling out a notepad.

"Hi! Can I get you anything?" She asked happily.

"I'll have water," Armin said.

"Uh, can I get (fave drink)?" You asked politely.

"Sure!" She said, still smiling brightly and then walked away.

"This is my favorite diner. I hope you like it." You looked up into Armin's innocent blue eyes.

"I'm sure I will, but I've never been here so I have no idea what's good," you said, blushing slightly and glancing down at the menu. He suggested a few things to you, and after a few minutes you finally decided on a double decker bacon burger with fries. The waitress came back with your drinks and you both ordered your food.

"Soooo...." You said awkwardly.

"Uh, tell me about yourself...?" Armin said questioningly.

"Like what?" You asked, rolling your eyes sarcastically.

"I know! Let's play 20 questions."

"Alright, you go first."

"Okay um, favorite book?"

"(Fave book)...Favorite place to visit?"

"The ocean! Favorite color?"

"(Fave color)"

You both spent the time until food arrived asking and answering questions. It was a lot of fun getting to know each other and forming new inside jokes along the way. After eating and resolving a small dispute over who pays, you decided to take a little walk through the park.

"You were absolutely right," you said, swinging your linked hands back and forth.

"About what?" Armin asked, walking alongside you.

"The food DID taste even better," you said with a small giggle.

"Y/n, I had a lot of fun. Do you maybe wanna....Go on a second date?" He asked a little nervously. You stopped walking and looked over at him. His face was bright red as he stared down at his oh-so-interesting shoes.

"I'd love to," you whispered, leaning over and giving a quick peck on the cheek.

Okay so yeah. School is starting soon and so is dance so my updating might not get quite as frequent. Le tear. Anywho, hope this was a goodish chapter I'm working on part two of that Levi×Reader so that might be up tonight. Okay well see y'all next chapter!


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