Not Like This {Levi}

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You slipped your jacket on and walked out to go grab your gear. While you were strapping everything on, Captain Levi walked past. He turned and gave you... a REALLY sexy look which caused you to blush furiously. You turned around violently, accidentally bumping into Sasha. She fell over and knocked into Connie which caused a huge domino effect of people falling over. You cringed at the chaos you created. Levi shook his head and held out his hand to pull you up.

"Shitty girlfriend," he said, pulling you up off your butt.

"Hey! I am not shitty," you said, play punching his shoulder. He smiled smally and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"You are, and that's why I love you," he whispered in your ear. You could feel his breath on your ear which caused your face to turn bright red.

"I-I love you too," you said quietly.

On the mission...

Your horse galloped across the plain. The events of earlier still replayed in your head. You cringed at what happened.

I am not a shitty girlfriend.

Hanji REALLY wanted to capture more titans, and she somehow managed to convince Erwin to let her lead a mission. You looked over at the crazed scientist, then over at Levi. You weren't as close to him as you would like to be, but it can't be helped. Still, you had a bad feeling about this particular mission... You looked back ahead of you and concentrated on what needed to be concentrated on. And that definitely WASN'T thinking about your boyfriend of however many years and you together on a date... You snapped out of your fantasy upon hearing an extremely loud noise. You looked over, and suddenly everything was in slow motion.

"LEVI LOOK OUT!!" You screeched as an abnormal bounded towards the group. Before anyone could do anything, it had smacked Levi and his horse all the way to hell and back.

Shit shit shit shit shit...

"LEVI!" You directed your horse in the direction of which he was flying. You could feel tears starting to fall.

"Y/N NO!" Someone yelled. You ignored everyone's shouting and the chaos with the abnormal.

After awhile, you finally came across Levi who was sprawled on the ground, limbs twisted and a pool of bloos surrounding him.

"LEVI!" You screamed, jumping off your horse and running to him. You fell to the ground, ripping your pants, skinning your knees, and using the rest of your fucks to give on Levi.

"Levi..No no no this isn't happening," you muttered, tears spilling from your face.  You pulled him closer, resting his head in your lap. You wrapped your arms around him.

"God damnit Levi you're right. I am a shitty girlfriend," you said, closing your eyes. It had already reached the stage of emotional breakdown where it was gross hiccuping and either  hyperventilating or not being able to breathe at all. You felt a cold hand press to your face. You opened your eyes and looked into Levi's sad ones.

"You're shitty, but for different reasons. And I love you too much to see you cry like this," he said quietly. You leaned down and pressed your forehead to his.

"And I love you too much to let you die. You're not dying on me, not like this," you said. All of a sudden, Levi's lips were on yours, and in that moment he wasn't dying. It was just another passionate, beautiful kiss. You placed your hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer, your eyes closed once more. You tasted the salt from your tears. Soon enough, Levi pulled away and you were sucked back into painful reality.

"SOMEBODY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE AND HELP HIM!!" You screamed. In response, you got a short echo and then silence.

"I'm not letting you die like this," you said again. You attempted to pick Levi up bridal style. It worked at first. You tumbled back down  with him landing on top of you- thank god he didn't get injured even more. You pushed yourself up and tried again. This time, you held him properly. Your horse was nowhere in sight, so that meant walking back.


"Levi be quiet."

"Y/n I'm going to die."

"Shut the hell up, I'm not letting you die."

"Just accept it, you'll move on." You stopped walking and broke down again.

"God damnit, Levi. Don't you think I KNOW you're going to die?!? But do you think I FUCKING WANT THAT?! CHRIST, LEVI AT LEAST LET ME TRY TO SAVE YOU!" You screamed, your throat going scratchy. He sighed and leaned his head against your shoulder.

"Fine..." he muttered, closing his eyes. You looked down at him.

"No you better keep your eyes open," you growled.

After a long time of walking, and surprisingly no titan encounters, you finally found the others.

"HANJI! ERWIN!" You screamed. Suddenly boosted by adrenaline, you ran towards them. Hanji and Erwin hopped off their horses and ran towards you.

"What's wrong?" Erwin asked, disturbingly calm.

"What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?! DO YOU NOT FUCKING SEE LEVI IN MY ARMS?!?" You shouted. Hanji patted your back and slapped you straight across the face.

"Calm down, or you're not going to do anyone any good," she said. You blinked and nodded, suddenly calming down. She smiled.

"Now set him down on the ground." You did as told and crouched down. Hanji looked at Levi and shook her head.

"Y/n I'm afraid there's not much we can do for him. He's lost too much blood and his limbs are beyond my repair," she said, pushing her glasses to the top of your head. You fell to your knees and grabbed Levi's hands. He was just barely breathing.

"Levi I'm sorry," you whispered, leaning over to kiss him one last time.

"Stay strong for me..." You heard him say.

"It wasn't supposed to end this way..." You locked your lips together. He kissed you back weakly, bringing his uninjured arm up and placing his hand on the back of your neck. His lips stopped moving in sync with yours, and his arm fell. You couldn't feel his breath anymore. Despite him now being a corpse, you didn't pull away. After a few moments, you laid your head on his still chest and intertwined your fingers.

"I love you," you whispered in between gross sobs.

This wasn't as sad as I would've liked it to be. I hope I at least made SOMEONE feel the feels. I understand authors now. I understand the joy of crushing your reader's souls with OTPs sinking and senpais dying. Yes yes it does feel nice. Well then see y'all next chapter!


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