Drabble #1

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Hi!! Welcome to the first story of this book! I originally wrote this from an Anon on Tumblr, but I decided to post it on here cause why not?? Anyway, I hope you enjoy these stories!


"Komaeda, what the hell was that?!"

Komaeda Nagito looked down at his feet as his partner, Hinata Hajime, scolded him for what had just happened.

They had been invited by their group of friends to go out for the night at a popular local bar, and although neither of them were fond of drinking, there was no way their friends would let them off the hook, so they accepted the invitation.

Things had been going rather well, and Hinata was actually enjoying himself and had even manage to strike up a conversation with a pretty nice guy, up until things took a complete one-eighty.

"Come on Hinata, that guy was flirting with you and you were completely oblivious to it!" Komaeda argue, looking up at him for once.

"Ok, yeah, maybe he was flirting with me and I didn't notice, but that's still no reason to pour your cup all over him and act like nothing happened!"

Komaeda looked down at his feet again, knowing that he had lost this battle. Hinata sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Fuck's sake, what's your problem?"

He wasn't expecting a response, but from what he can make out of Komaeda's mumbling was "I don't like it when there are chance of me losing you".

Hinata looked up and gave a soft smile. He cupped Komaeda face with his hands and brought his gaze up so that he was looking up at him. "Nagito, you never have to worry about you losing me, I love you more than anything else in the world, and you should know that I wouldn't trade you for anyone else".

Komaeda could only look at him, wide-eyed and a faint blush coming up to his cheeks until he gave a smile. "Thank you Hinata-kun, that means a lot to me".

Hinata smiled at him, before taking his hand and holding on to it firmly. "Now let's go and try to find that guy again, I think he deserves an apology".

Komaeda could only look down and blush again in embarrassment as they made their way back inside.

"Yeah, right."

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