Jinx - Drabble #9

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"Nagito, where did that cat come from?"

The day at work had been an especially long one for Hinata. With all of the paperwork, meetings, phone calls, and over what felt like 100 messages to report to his boss, by the end of work day he was overjoyed to go home to his white haired husband and relax.

So when the first thing he sees when he walks through the front door is a black kitten with stunning yellow eyes being held in Komaeda's arms, those were the first words out of his mouth.

Komaeda only smiled sheepishly as he kept his hold on the squirming kitten in his arms. "Um, well, remember when Sonia-san told us that Tanaka-kun's cat had had kittens a few weeks ago?" Hinata nodded, dropping his bag on the floor and approaching the two.

"Well, Mioda-san had suggested that we go over and look at the kittens, so we did and..." the small kitten jumped out of the boy's arms, landing on all fours and heading over to Hinata, making circles around his legs and rubbing it's small head against his feet. "She just wouldn't leave my side Hajime, I had to take her home!"

Komaeda flashed a bright smile, which made Hinata's heart melt.

"So, she can make him smile like that huh? I like her already."

Hinata picked up the small creature and cradles her in his arms, petting her head that caused her to purr. "So it's a she huh. What did you name her?"

Komaeda, with his smile still plastered on his face, responded with "Jinx, because since people say that black cats are a source of bad luck, I just thought it would be fitting."

"Ah" Hinata responded with. He found it kind of ironic as well, considering his partner's luck and the fact that he now owned a black cat.

Komaeda began to twiddle with his fingers, suddenly looking anxious. "So..." He started saying, catching Hinata's attention, "can we keep her? I know it's sudden and all, and I didn't even get your consent either..."

Hinata looked down at the kitten once more, which had since fallen asleep in his arms, purring loudly like a motor.
He looked back up and smiled. "Don't worry about it, we can keep her."

Komaeda's eyes lit up instantly, like a small child on Christmas morning after they had opened the box to a present they had wanted for a long time.

He walked over to his partner and kissed his cheek. "Thank you Hajime, I think she'll live a happy life with us here."

Hinata smiled, planting a kiss on the top of Komaeda's forehead has the latter pet the kitten in his arms.

"Yeah, I think so too."

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