Heartbeat - Drabble #3

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Komaeda tossed and turned in his bed, wanting and awaiting for the beautiful feeling of sleep come upon him, but to no avail.

By now it was 1:05 in the morning and he hadn't slept a wink since getting into bed, and that was at around 9pm at the very least.

He groaned quietly as to make sure not to awaken his sleeping partner next to him. He turned his body so that he was facing said partner, and watched him sleep. He's done it many times before, and he'll do it many other time as needed.

Komaeda found himself infatuated whenever he watched Hinata sleep, the way he looked so peaceful and blissful compare to how throughout the day he was usually rushing and pushing around people and time. To Komaeda, it was as if he was in some sort of trance that aloud him to relax for once.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

Smiling mischievously, Komaeda shuffled himself closely to the sleeping brunette and wrapped his arms around him. As expected, and almost as in instantly reflects, Hinata wrapped his arms around Komaeda, almost protectively.

Komaeda smiled once more. He was basically buried into the others chest, and he could hear perfectly the sound he loved the most, Hinata's heartbeat.
It was a weird noise to like, yes, but to him it was the sound that proved that the love of his life was alive, and that blood was being pumped throughout his body so that he could live on through the day.

Suddenly feeling the urge of sleepiness, Komaeda closed his eyes, smile still on his face, as he fell into blissful sleep in the arms of the one he truly loved, heartbeat and all.

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