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"Come on come on come on come on!!!!!!!"

Komaeda felt as if he was going to explode as he sat in his car helplessly in traffic, his heart pounding in his chest like crazy. It was just his luck that he found himself stuck when he least needed it; he needed to get to Hinata now.

It had been a normal day at work for Komaeda, nothing had been out of the ordinary until he receive an unknown phone call.

"Um hello?" He had asked after reluctantly picking up the phone. "Good afternoon sir" the person on the other line had said. "Do you happen to be in relations with a person by the name of Hinata Hajime?"

By then Komaeda knew something might have been wrong, there was no reason for someone to call on behave of Hinata, however had Komaeda been panicking at that moment then he did a good job at not showing it. "Uh, yes I'm his partner, is Hinata ok?"

"Sir I'm sorry to say but your partner was just checked in to the hospital a few minutes ago through the Emergency entrance, we figured it'd be important to-"

"What?!" Komaeda yelled, causing some of his colleagues to look at him strangely but he ignored them. "What happened to him?! He was fine this morning! Was he hurt by someone?? Did he get badly injured?? Did-"

"I'm sorry sir, but I do not have that information, I'm only allowed to inform you that your partner is in hospital. You'll have to come down to the hospital to find out."

For at least a minute Komaeda had sat at his desk, looking down and thinking the worst before saying "Okay. Thank you", hanging up, and then bolting out the door. He didn't even care of what his boss will say for suddenly leaving work with no explanation. Hinata's what matter most to Komaeda at that moment.

Komaeda made his way down the street at speeds that would have probably gotten him arrested had there been any police around to see it. That is until he made it to the highway, where he was forced into a stop by the traffic ahead. "But there's never traffic around this hour!!" Komaeda had thought, dread starting to become more apparent.

And so for the past 20 minutes, Komaeda sat in the highway as traffic slowly moved on, trying to get into contact with Hinata, only to be sent straight to voicemail. That never happened before, he would always answer Komaeda's calls. Something was definitely wrong.

After his 33rd failed attempt at calling Hinata, Komaeda finally gave up, and slammed his head down on his steering wheel, causing it to honk out obnoxiously and probably annoying many other people as well, but he didn't care. He felt tears prick the side of his eyes as horrible scenarios went through his head.

"Was there an accident at work? Was he jumped and beaten by a bunch of thugs? Was he in a car accident? Is that why there's traffic? Because there was an accident that he was apart of??" It was then that one thought struck Komaeda harder then anything else he could ever think of:

"Is he in the hospital because of my luck? Did my luck somehow cause an accident?"

Just when he thought he was about to start screaming, Komaeda realized he was being honked at, and when he looked up at the road again, he realized that the traffic was finally moving again.

Suddenly feeling his spirits lift up again, Komaeda began moving and soon he was back to going beyond an appropriate speed limit down the highway.

Soon he saw that the traffic jam wasn't because of an accident, but because of construction being done on one side of the highway. But soon he didn't care anymore, and in under 10 minutes he was parking his car (poorly) into the hospital parking lot and running through the ER entrance.

The receptionist at the desk only looked at him a bit weirdly has Komaeda tried to catch his breath, before speaking.

"I... I'm here to see Hinata Hajime, can you please tell me his room number?" Komaeda asked, trying to remain calm. "May I ask what's your relations with this patient?" The receptionist asked, maybe a bit too slowly for Komaeda's liking. "I'm his partner, now may I please see him?"

The receptionist looked at Komaeda one more time before quickly writing down the room number on a sticky notes a handing it to him. Without saying a thank you Komaeda snatched the sticky note and made his way towards the room number.

Komaeda's bad experience with hospital had haunted him for as long as he could remember, but today he found himself not caring at all, he found himself not caring at all about many things today. Well, at least until he heard that Hinata was hurt. It wasn't like him, but just knowing that someone he loved and cared about more than anything else in the world was probably in a lot of pain and despair at this very moment, and he wasn't there with them, made him absolutely lose it.

It took a while, but eventually Komaeda found the room he was looking for, Room 110. Bracing himself for the absolute worst, Komaeda took a deep breath and made a small wish:

"Please just let him be ok."

And so, Komaeda opened the door, and felt himself become crushed.

But for the wrong reasons.

Because in that room, Hinata was there, but he was sitting in a chair. He had a cup of water next to him, and he was watching TV.

There was no IV attached to him. There wasn't a heart monitor next to him making sure his heart wouldn't stop beating. No oxygen mask attached to his face, no bandages wrapped around his body. Nothing that screamed "I was in a really bad accident".

Well, there was a cast on his wrist.

"Nagito?" Hinata asked, looking away from the TV and looking at Komaeda worriedly. "H-hey are you ok? You look like you've just seen a ghost..."

"...." Komaeda only stood there, dumbfounded and suddenly feeling tired. "... I-I...."

"What is it? Nagito speak!" Hinata asked, getting up from his spot and heading over to him, although noticeably trying to be extra careful with his left wrist.

Finally finding his voice, Komaeda stammered "I-I thought you were in an a-accident... I got a call from work, and they told me you were put in the emergency room, and oh my god I just left without telling my boss and I sped down here like a mad man going over 80 miles per hour and I spammed your phone for 25 minutes straight and I was rude to the receptionist and-"

"Woah woah Nagito calm down!!" Hinata ask, grabbing ahold of Komaeda's shoulders, but also wincing a bit. "I fell down the stairs at work and I landed badly on my wrist. I didn't have time to grab my phone from my office desk and one of my coworkers drove me here. The doctor took some X-rays of my wrist and I still haven't gotten the results back, but I'm pretty sure it's broken. Other than that I'm totally fine."

Komaeda didn't think he had ever felt this stupid before. Hell, he was surprised that he didn't feel angry, just a strong sense of stupidity washing over him.

"So... there wasn't a major accident, and you're totally fine...?" Komaeda finally asked.

Hinata only smiled at him before nodding his head. "Yes, Nagito, and I'm sorry for making you worry so much."

It was then that Komaeda pulled Hinata into a tight hug, and there, in the hospital room, Komaeda began to scream into Hinata's shoulder.

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