On to the Honeymoon - Drabble #15

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"Jeez Nagito, how can you be fine with going on a cruise ship but not an airplane?"

Hinata couldn't help but ask the same question over and over again, a hint of annoyance growing stronger in his voice every time he asked.

He was currently located in their room balcony of the cruise ship, the ocean air making his hair messier then it already was. From behind, he felt his Komaeda wrap his arms around his waist, bringing him closer and resting his chin on his shoulders.

"It wasn't necessary my idea to go on a cruise Hajime, it just sort of happened, and we couldn't pass on this opportunity now, right?" Hinata sighed, still looking straight ahead at the ocean water below them. "Right."

It hadn't been their intentions to go on a honeymoon, they had planned to spend their first week of being a married couple together at home or with their group of friends. But of course, it had been Nagito's luck that had given them two free tickets to go on a cruise ship to a remote island off the pacific coast.

So here they were.

"Ah Hajime! Could that be...?" Komaeda pointed to something in the distance, and has they got closer, Hinata could identify their destination. "Yeah, seems like it."

At that moment, an announcement went over the intercom. "Attention all passengers, we will be arriving to our destination shortly, please report to the shop deck as soon as possible, and we hope you all enjoy your stay on Jabberwock Island!"

"Well then, shall we get going?" Hinata turned towards his new husband, his hand extended towards him, which Komaeda accepted with a smile on his face.

"Yes we shall."


"W-woah..." Hinata looked around the island in awe, dropping his carry-on bag onto the ground. White sandy beach, crystal blue ocean, the sun rays beating down on him, and the soft, tropical wind brushing his skin...

There was no doubt about it. He was in actual paradise.

"This place is... Beautiful!" Hinata exclaimed, looking over at Komaeda who was admiring the scenery around them as well. "Yes it is, this is definitely a good amount of luck on out behalf!"

"Yeah, sure, if you say so Nagito." Hinata remarked, rolling his eyes as he grabbed his two suitcases and made his way forward. "Come on, let's go get our cottage and then maybe we can explore this place some more." Komaeda nodded, grabbing onto his suitcases as well as he followed Hinata, his usual smile plastered on his face. "Let's get going, then."

After reviving their cottage keys and briefly looking around their cottage, the pair made their way outside, hand in hand has they made their way around the island.

"S-seriously, this place has everything!" Hinata remarked as they passed by the "Rocketpunch Market. "It seems like it, look, they even have a ranch here as well." Komaeda pointed out the ranch, which was currently occupied with many parents and children as they played around with the ranch animals.

"No wonder why this place is so damn popular." Hinata mumbled softly, his eyes squinting against the high rays of the sun. Thank god for the sunscreen he had packed with him.

"Oh? Look at this Hajime!" The brunette turned towards Komaeda, who held a pamphlet his hands and was reading off of. "Apparently, this isn't the only island, their are a total of 6 islands to explore!"

"Really?! Six islands??" Hinata grabbed the pamphlet from his hands and examined it. Sure enough, Jabberwock consisted of 6 different islands that were to be explored by traveling from one place to another in a transportation boat.

"H-how are we gonna explore all these islands in the span of just a week...?"

Komaeda giggled beside him, grabbing on to Hinata hand and dragging him towards a nearby boat. "Well, we'll just have to explore as much as we can, starting now!"

"H-hey! Slow down a bit!" Hinata couldn't help but laugh, their hands linked tightly together as they made way towards their source of transportation.


"Whew!" Hinata collapsed onto the king sized bed of their cottage, letting out a sigh of relief after 6 hours of explore every island their was. Next to him, Komaeda collapsed onto the bed as well, seemingly exhausted.

"I feel like my legs are gonna fall off, I can't believe we walked around like that for 6 hours straight..." Hinata swiped the sweat from his forehead, glad that he had finally give his legs a break. Komaeda laughed softly next to him. "I'm glad that we did though, now we have a clear view of what each island is like."

"You have point, but never again." Hinata admitted, turning towards Komaeda with a smile of annoyance on his face. Despite the fact that it was already sunset, he will admit that he enjoyed looking around the islands and seeing how different each one was compared to next one. From the stunning beauty and elegance of the second island, to the childlike and nostalgic atmosphere of the fourth island, Jabberwock island was definitely an amazing place.

The two laid in silence for what seemed like hours, Hinata even closing his eyes at some point, until Komaeda's voice brought him back from his impending slumber. "Hey, Hajime."

"Hm?" Hinata opened one eye, seeing Komaeda turned towards him, a small smile formed on his lips. "I'm honestly very glad that I got the chance to come here with you, I can't imagine it being anyone else."

Hinata smiled at him, linking his hand together with his own. "Me either, a chance to come here is probably one in a life time, and I'm happy that chance to come here with you, Nagito." Komaeda smiled widened as he squeezed Hinata's hand tightly.

"So, do you think we'll have many more adventures like these together in the future?" Komaeda asked.

Hinata leaned forward, kissing him softly on the lips before pulling back, glimmer of hope in his eyes. "As long as I'm with you, I'm sure anything is possible, right?"

At that, Komaeda laughed softly once more.



Next Drabble will probably be the wedding, which I was gonna write first but I realized that I don't know how a wedding works! So here's the honeymoon instead, I hope you all enjoyed it!! :3

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