Rooftop - Drabble #10

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Komaeda impatiently stared down at his phone as he waited for Hinata to come up to the rooftop for lunch.

His phone read 1:20 p.m., which meant that there was only 10 minutes left of the lunch period. Komaeda sighed, and just as he was about to give him and head back downstairs, the door burst open, revealing a sweaty and out of breath Hinata.

"Sorry I'm late Ko!" The brunette yelled out after regaining his breath, heading over to where his white haired friend was sitting and setting himself down. His face was red and he had a bit of sweat going down his forehead, which was understandable considering how far the rooftop was from the Math room.

Komaeda laughed a little, facing his friend as he grabbed a tissue and wiped the sweat from his best friend's forehead. "It's alright Hinata-kun! You shouldn't worry about meeting up with trash like me on time anyway!"

Hinata swiped the tissues from Komaeda heads and rolled his eyes. "Stop that, you're not trash Ko, you're my friend and I shouldn't have been so late." Hinata said, annoying clear in his voice. "But I wasn't expecting that test to be so damn hard, I feel like it took me years to completely."

Komaeda hummed, trying to ignore what Hinata had said earlier. "Really, I thought it was quite easy actually."

"Says the person who has the highest grades in every subject!"

"Ah, you're mistaken Hinata-kun! I'm quite horrible at chemistry actually, don't you remember what happened last week?"

Hinata's annoyed frown instantly changed into a smiled as he bursted out laughing at the memory. "Yeah right, we still can't even use the room yet until all those chemical fumes are completely gone."

Komaeda laughed awkwardly, the memory of everyone having to evacuate the room after he managed to mix the wrong chemicals together that made them explode still fresh in his memory. "Ah, right. At least now I know I shouldn't be aloud to handle chemicals like that."

"Yeah, that's true."

The two boys soon fell silent, the only sound being the wind blowing strongly against them. It was times like these that Komaeda liked, when the two of them were in a comfortable silent and simply enjoying each other company.

It was only when Hinata coughed that Komaeda looked at him. "You know Ko, I really appreciate the time we spend up here, just the two of us before we go back to class. That's why I didn't want to be late, so that the two of us can hang out here, alone." The brunette kept his gaze down, not looking up at Komaeda once.

The boy simply stared for a bit, feeling a blush coming along on his face at the sudden confession. "I, feel the same way as well, Hinata-kun," Komaeda broke the silence, "I treasure every moment I get to have with you, and they mean a lot to someone like me."

Hinata finally looked up, a small smile spreading across his lips. "Really? That's... really great to hear from you Ko." Komaeda smiled as well.

Soon the bell rang, indicating lunch was over. Hinata stood up and stretched a bit before heading towards the door. "Well we should probably head to class now, let's go before we're late."

Komaeda stood up, taking his trash from his lunch and following after his best friend, a smile still on his face.

"I'm right behind you, Hinata-kun."

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