Party till ya Drop - Oneshot #1

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This definitely ended up being longer than I intended it for it to be, so it deserves to be called more of a oneshot then a Drabble. Nonetheless, please enjoy a drunk Hinata being taken care of in the hands of sober Komaeda!


"I knew it was a bad idea to come here." Komaeda couldn't help but mutter to himself.

In front of him, a quite amusing scene was unfolding before him; his boyfriend Hinata had one arm wrapped around his long time friend Souda Kazuichi as they both drunkenly sang along to some punk rock song, standing on the snack table surrounded by an
enormous group of drunk party goers.

Yup, this was definitely a mistake to come.

It had started when Sonia Nevermind, a friend and quite popular classmate of theirs, decided to throw an end of the year party for her classmates before their second year of high school ended.

The party was meant to be only for their classmates, but being so popular and beloved by mostly everyone in the school, word of the party got out quickly, and as expected, uninvited guest began to arrive to the young princess' mansion. Everything all came into a head though when someone managed to spike the bowls of fruit punch, and now even Sonia had been drunk out of her mind until she passed out shortly on the living room couch, and unfortunately for Hinata, he had one too many drunks to the point where he was now blindly drunk as well.

Komaeda sighed and decided that he'd had enough. He was currently the only one at party not intoxicated, as those who managed not to get themselves intoxicated had long since gone home, and while most of this was quite hysterical, it was at least 1am in the morning by now and the music was beginning to become obnoxious, along with everyone else in the room.

"Alright Hajime, funs over." Komaeda said has he shuffled his way through the large crowd of people until he was in front of the snack table. He grabbed the ends of Hinata's pants and strongly tugged on it, catching the attention of his drunken lover.

"HAJIME, LETS GO ALREADY!!!!" Komaeda screamed through the crowd and blaring music. Hinata laughed and let go of Souda, giving him a pat on the back (or at least trying to as he mostly missed his back completely) and proceeded to try and make it down, only to end up falling halfway.

"H-hey!" Komaeda quickly grabbed on to him before he could hit the floor, pulling Hinata up and putting his arm over his shoulder to support him as he laughed hysterically.

"AwW mAN, yoU SHOuld havE BEEN uP t-theRE N-NAAAGito *hic!*... iT Was a DAMN fuN tiME!! *hic!*" Hinata slurred over his words and hiccuped every now and then, he also couldn't even manage to walk properly at all.

"I'm sure it was Hajime, but now it's time to go home, your parents must be worried sick." Nagito said, once again pushing his way through the crowd until he managed to make it to the front door and back outside. Luckily for them, they had managed to come to the party early where there was still parking near the mansion, so Komaeda quickly made it to his car where he basically forced Hinata to sit in the passenger seat.

Once he was seated and buckled, Komaeda closed the door behind him and made his way towards the driver's seat. Once he was seated and the car was started, he started to think about his options.

Although it was most logical to take Hinata home, his house was little ways from the party, and at the very least they would probably make it back there at 2am. Komaeda's house was far more closer, only 10 minutes away, so he came to a conclusion.

"Hajime, may I see your phone for a moment?" He turned towards his boyfriend, only to find him fast asleep with his head resting on the car window.

Komaeda sighed, muttering "That was quick" as he dug his hand into the brunette's front pocket and found his phone. He quickly unlocked it and as expected, found many missed calls and text messages that came from his parents.

He dialed the number and began to explain the situation to an almost frantic Mrs. Hinata. They came to an agreement that Hinata would stay the night at his house and they would go over to pick him up in the morning. She trusted him after all, having known Komaeda for the longest of time to the point where he was basically her second son.

Once the call had ended, Komaeda put the phone down and put the car into drive, making his way back home with a drunk Hinata in his passenger seat.


Komaeda let out a sigh of relief as he turned off the car engines and proceeded to leave his car, never having been so thankful to be home. He made his way to the passenger side of the car and opened it, Hinata almost completely falling out have it not been for the seat belt he had on.

"Hajime, it's time to wake up now." Komaeda said, poking the cheek of his sleeping love. Nothing. "Hajimeee~" He tried once more. Again, nothing.

Frowning, Komaeda went to the only thing he could think of, and slapped Hinata hard in the face, proving to be successful as he sprung to life.

"Wha-!!??" He almost yelled, eyes dazed and a look of confusion on his face. Komaeda smiled at him apologetically. "I'm sorry I had to slap you like that, but that was the only way to wake you up."

"... Oh"

Komaeda unbuckled the seatbelt and managed to get Hinata out of the car and lock it with ease. With Hinata practically relying on him to keep him steady, Komaeda made his way to the front door, unlocked it, and went inside. Hinata looked up, and scrunched up his nose.

"M-my hous-se w-w-was never this b-big... *hic!*..." Hinata started giggling. "I-it l-l-looks lik-ke your *hic!* h-h-house..." Komaeda took off his shoes and managed to get Hinata's off using his feet while hold him up. "That's because it is my house Hajime, you're staying with me tonight." The two boys made their way up stairs, Komaeda holding on to Hinata tightly as he didn't want him tripping and falling face first into the stairs.

"Ooooooh haha *hic!*, t-t-that makes s-sense." Hinata muttered when they got to the top. Komaeda made way towards the guest room and headed straight for the bed where he let Hinata fall into with a 'thump!'. "Ok Hajime, now get into bed, you must be tired after such a hopeful night at Sonia's huh?"

Hinata smiled and nodded slowly as crawled under the covers, and in almost seconds, managed to fall asleep instantly. "Maybe I should have given him proper nightwear to sleep in, ah well he probably wouldn't have listened to me in his state of mind anyway." Komaeda thought to himself, staring at his sleeping lover.

After standing there for a bit, he turned to leave, but looked back around at the sleeping Hinata and smiled, whispering "Goodnight, Hajime" has he gave him a kiss on the cheek.

And with that, he walked out of the room, making sure to close the door tightly behind him.

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