This is True Happiness - Drabble #16

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Hinata stared at the full length mirror in front of him. He wore a black tuxedo, a white dress shirt underneath, and a black tie. He felt a rush of deja vú, almost as if he had done this before. Maybe he was just nervous.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the watch on his wrist. It was time, he needed to head down now. Taking one last look into the mirror, he gave himself a nod and left the room.

He paused at the door which led to the venue, a small hint of hesitation and nervousness on his face, before he yanked the door open and walked down the aisle.

The venue was rather small. It could only hold at least 30+ people inside, which was perfect. They didn't need a big, spacious room, just a place big enough for his high school friends and a hand full of his family to sit.

As he passed by his friends, who sat on one side of venue (where Komaeda's family was suppose to be sitting) while his family sat on the other, they all flashed him smiles of encouragement and thumb up, some even mouthing "good luck" to him. He smiled back at them.

Finally, he made it to alter, where the rest of their wedding party waited. They made sure to keep things simple; because they only had a few handfuls  of people, the groomsmen where cut down to only two, along with only one maid of honor.

Souda played around with the tie around his neck, seemingly annoyed by it while Kuzuryyu nagged at him to just leave it alone. He turned towards Nanami, who seemingly looked ready to fall asleep. Hinata wonders if she can make it through the entire ceremony without falling asleep. He opted to staring straight ahead as he waited for the time to come for his wedding to start, fiddling with fingers in the mean time.

"Oi, Hinata." Hinata jumped, turning towards Kuzuryyu who had a small smirk on his face. "Calm down man, we  can tell from a mile away just how nervous you are."

Hinata could only laugh nervously, pulling on his neck tie as a way to distract himself. "Sorry, it's just that... It's weird having a lot of people stare at you..." Hinata stared at the audience in front of him. With most of them having complete focus on him, it was enough to send shivers down his spine. "It's really creepy..."

"That's not it." "Huh?" Hinata questioned him, his face showing his confusing. Kuzurryu scoffed, looking off into the side. "You're scared of rejection, aren't you?"

"H-huh? W-well...." Hinata stuttered. "I guess you have a point, I mean, what happens if he just says no to me? I just...." Hinata looked down, his nerves starting to give him a sick feeling in his stomach that he didn't like. He didn't know just how crazy he was for Komaeda until this very moment, and just the thought of being reject by him at the last minute made his heart drop drastically.

"Yo, Hinata." A new voice surfaced, this time from Souda, who gave him his usual sharp toothy grin when he looked up. "I know I'm not one to talk about shit like this, since I haven't even been married yet, but trust me when I say that everything will be fine!" He gave him a wink and thumbs up. "I mean, I know Komaeda can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but everyone can tell that you two are a match made in heaven, so no worries, alright!"

Although not exactly what he was expecting to hear, Hinata appreciated their kind words nonetheless. "Seriously, thank you you two, I guess I really needed that talk, but" he turned towards Souda, "I didn't expect to hear that from you, especially with how much you whined about not being chosen as a groomsmen at first..."

"H-hey! I'm suppose to your soul friend, of course I should have been a groomsmen to your wedding from the beginning!" Souda, looking offended, yelled out as Kuzuryyu could only role his eyes while Hinata laughed quietly to himself.

"Hey, guys." Nanami's voice suddenly spoke up front behind him, as she rubbed the sleep from her eye with one hand and pointed towards the door with the other. "I think that... The wedding is about to start..." She paused again. "... Possibly." She added.

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