Drabble #2

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Ahahahaha it's 2am right now but this suddenly came to mind and I had to write it. I very much headcanon Komaeda's fear of airplanes and flying, especially since his past with his parents and such. Anyways, enjoy!!


Komaeda was wide eyed, breathing heavily, and completely terrified as he looked out the window of the airplane he was currently seated in.

"Nagito, stop looking out the window, that's only gonna make you feel more nervous." Hinata sat next to him, both hands on his shoulders as he tried to make his husband move away from the airplane window.

Komaeda let out a hollow yet nervous high pitched laugh, his eyes still glued to outside the window. "Not until this plane takes off, then I'll know that we have a chance of actually making it towards our destination!!!"

Hinata groaned and decided to give up, removing his hands from Komaeda's shoulders. "I knew we should have just taken the train to my parents house." He mumbled to himself.

It's not as if he hasn't suggested it to him, it's true that if they had taken the train to Hinata's house for the holiday, it would have taken longer and probably a bit more uncomfortable, but at least this wouldn't be happening.

Komaeda had said that it was time to face his fears of going on a plane, but now Hinata was thinking that maybe now wasn't the right time.

He continued to watch his husband, a worried expression on his face, up until the pilot came on announcing to get ready for take off.

The plane slowly began to move down the runway, and at this point Hinata was sure that everyone on the plane could hear Komaeda hyperventilating.

"H-h-Hajime???!!?" At the sound of his name Hinata turned his body towards Komaeda once more. "I'm right here Nagito, nothing's gonna happen to the plane." he said, slowly rubbing Komaeda's back at an attempt to calm him down.

The plane began to accelerate forward at this point, and at that moment Komaeda extended his left hand at Hinata, and for the first time since they got on the plane, he faced him, wide eyed, sweating, and panicking.

"H-h-hold my ha-and p-please??" He barely manage to muster out.
With one hand on his back, Hinata grabbed on to the extended one with his other and held on to it tightly, a reassuring smile on his face. "Of course."

Komaeda flashed him a shaky but genuine smile, proceeding to squeeze the hell out of Hinata's hand, but he didn't care, as long as it brought some sort of comfort on to the one he loved.

And so, the moment Komaeda looked back out the window, the airplane had already taken off into the sky.


"You did great Nagito! Seriously, you made it the entire flight." Although the rest of the six hour flight had gone as smoothly as it could have been, Komaeda was currently being led away by Hinata from the terminal to the luggage area to reclaim their
belongings, his face buried in Hinata's chest and he was looking down at his feet.

"Never, again, Hajime." Komaeda mumbled as Hinata guided him away from running into oncoming people.

Hinata let out a laugh. "Save that for one we get back home, we still have to take our flight back ya know."

Komaeda groaned loudly has Hinata kissed the top of his head. So maybe Komaeda hadn't exactly faced his fear, but to Hinata it was a step in the right direction, and he couldn't be any more proud of his partner.

Now he looked forward to the day when Komaeda was able to face his fear of being on an airplane.

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