Happy Birthday, Nagito

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Komaeda went up the front steps to his house with a long sigh. Today had been an exceptionally long day at work, and now he couldn't be anymore happier to be home. Just the thought of being with Hinata for the night warmed his heart, especially since he had not seen nor heard from the brunette all day, as he had forgotten his phone at home in his rush to get to work on time after oversleeping.

No matter, Komaeda had thought, I can certainly go on throughout the day without it. However that task was actually proven to be much harder then he had originally thought, and he couldn't help but realized that Hinata's small motivation messages actually somewhat helped him get through the day.

Now that he was finally home, he couldn't wait to just relax and be with the one he loved, just as he had waited for all day.

After unlocking the door, Komaeda expected to find Hinata laying on the couch watching TV or on his laptop working on stuff for a little while. However, this was not the case, as when Komaeda opened the door he was met with darkness and quietness.

"That's... odd." Komaeda said, suddenly a bit worried. Hinata's car was parked in the driveway, he must be home somewhere. "Hello? Hajime?" Komaeda called out, his only response being silence. He was about to call out again when he finally saw a single candle lighten up on a table.

The candle managed to give out just enough light to show a sign with the words "Go Up to the Balcony♥️" written on it.

The worry that Komaeda had suddenly faded away and came back as confusion. "What could he be planning now? Is it any special occasion today...?" Komaeda decided to save questions for later and descended up the stairs.

That's when he saw even more dim candles that let out enough light to illuminate a sign with arrows pointing up towards their room where the balcony was. Komaeda, despite his confusion, couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the gesture. It wasn't often that Hinata would be romantic, but when he was he was really good at it.

Komaeda made is way to his room, standing in front of the door before knocking. When there was no response, he opened the door, mumbling a soft "Hello..?" while he was at it. The room was dimly lit and a strong sent of something sweet was present. The ambience was calming and relaxing, which definitely made the balloons and streamers that were scattered across the room seem out of place.

Komaeda looked towards the balcony, confused as ever, when he saw the table and chair display set up. He went outside and went up to the display, suddenly intrigued and interested when he heard footsteps from behind. He turned around, and sure enough Hinata stood there behind, a smile on his face with a rose in his hand.

Komaeda smiled, going up to him and giving him a kiss on the lips and a hug. "....What's all this Hajime?" Komaeda finally asked after a long hug. Hinata looked at him a bit embarrassed as he scratched the back of his neck. "Well,
I wasn't sure what to do for your birthday, especially since we both had work today, so I wanted to come up with some qui-"

"Wait, my birthday...?"

"Yeah, your birthday, today's the 28th of April..."

Suddenly things started to make sense, and Komaeda couldn't help but feel like an idiot. ".... I forgot, haha." Komaeda chuckled nervously, feeling as if he had just managed to kill the mood. Hinata however, only managed to burst out laughing, which actually surprised Komaeda.

"I would think you'd be mad, you went through all this trouble for me and I couldn't even remember it." Komaeda said, suddenly feeling ashamed of himself. Suddenly he felt Hinata take his hands, and when he looked up he saw the smile on Hinata's face.

"I'm not mad, it's completely understandable. Besides, you seem to be pretty forgetful today." With that, Hinata handed Komaeda back his phone, which was full of birthday messages from his friends. "I found it when I got home today, although I kinda had an idea already as to why you weren't answering my text."

Komaeda gave out an actually laugh, before pulling Hinata into a hug again. "Thank you Hajime, this is all I could really ask for." Hinata returned the hug, holding him tightly together. "Really? I think it's pretty average."

"Please, it's enough to give me enough happiness." The two finally took their seats as Hinata opened a bottle of wine and poured it out into the two tall glasses in front.

They both raised up their glasses and clinked them together, smiling wide all the time.

"Happy Birthday, Nagito Komaeda."

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