Valentine's Gift

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Komaeda had never cared much for Valentine's Day. He knew it was a day that happened, and back when his parents were still alive, they would all go out as a family to a fancy restaurant and spend the day together, just the three of them.

Those days were over now though, and when they were kids, he and Hinata would spend Valentine's Day like any other day; go to school, go home and do homework together, play in the playground till dinner time, and go to sleep. Komaeda didn't mind, as long as he was with Hinata, he could care less for the holiday.

Well, he used to not care, but now as the day approached, he couldn't help but feel guilty. It was gonna be his first Valentine's Day with Hajime as a couple, yet he had nothing at all to give him. And it was exactly this reason why Komaeda found himself pacing around his dorm room.

"I really am a horrible boyfriend aren't I?" Komaeda shook his head at himself in disappointment. "I can't do the simplest thing in the world right, I don't even know what to gift to him!" Stopping in his tracks, Komaeda let out a sigh of frustration.

"Pacing around the room is getting me nowhere." He finally thought. "I need to actually look around for something." Grabbing his winter coat, a scarf, and slipping on his two-zippered shoes, Komaeda exited his dorm and made his way through the bitter winter air away from the Hope's Peak campus.


Just as he expected, as soon as he entered the shopping center, he noticed a large amount of people running around from shop to shop, looking for the perfect presents for their significant other like himself. Komaeda made his way around every store, looking in through the display window for anything that may catch his attention.

The typical gift for Valentine's Day would of course be chocolates and flowers, but Hinata deserved something more special, not something that millions of others received.

Just thinking of all that Hinata had done for him made Komaeda smile, and even more determined to try and find something that Hinata would like. But after going to each store and then coming out empty handed every time only managed to slowly drain Komaeda of his determination, and soon he found himself sulking on a bench.

"I'll never find anything in time. Such scrum like myself can never do anything right..." was Komaeda's final conclusion. Looking back up and looking around his surroundings once more, Komaeda quickly stood up as his eyes locked on a small pastry shop that was full of customers. "Of course! Why hadn't I thought of this before?"

Feeling much more determined now, Komaeda made his way towards the pastry shop, hoping that the object he was looking for was still up for sale.


The next day was Valentine's Day, and although it was still early in the morning, most students must have had the same idea as Komaeda as the court yard was full of couples or friends (mostly girls) exchanging Valentine gifts between each other. Komaeda had the same intentions as them as well, messaging Hinata as soon as he woke up that morning to meet up with him in the courtyard before class started.

Komaeda looked around, nervously balancing around on his feet while holding the gift behind his back. Just went he thought that Hinata would not make appearance- "He must have already forgotten, not that I blame him since I am already a very forgettable person"-, he soon spotted the oh so family piece of hair sticking out from the crowd and saw Hinata looking around in confusion.

"Ah, Hajime!" Komaeda called out, making his way towards his partner. Hinata turned around and smiled at the sight of Komaeda, reaching out and giving him a hug. "I'm glad I found you Hajime." Komaeda said as they separated. Hinata laughed, looking around the courtyard in awe.

"Yeah me too, it's absolutely crazy here, we should probably leave before we're late for class." Hinata said, grabbing Komaeda's free hand. "Ah wait a minute, actually..." Hinata looked back, giving Komaeda a confused looked as Komaeda pulled out the small box from behind and giving him a sheepish smile. "I got this for you."

Realization seemed to have crossed Hinata's face as a smile of appreciation spread across his face. "Nagito, you didn't have to get me anything-" "But I had to!" Komaeda interrupted, before stuttering out an apology. "H-here, I got it for just for you." Komaeda smiled a little as he handed Hinata the little box.

"O-okay." Hinata nervous laughed a bit as he undid the ribbon on the box and slowly opened the lid. His eyes then suddenly shined as he quickly opened up the rest of the box. "You got me Kusamochi?!"

Komaeda couldn't help but laugh at his silly reaction. "Yes I did, I know it's your favorite so..." Hinata took one of the mochis and bit into it, his face lighting up at the flavor. "It's amazing Nagito, it's one of the best kinds I've ever had." Hinata quickly stuffed the reminding mochi into his mouth and then closing the box.

"I'm guessing that you liked it?" Komaeda finally said, laughing a bit as well while Hinata gave him a look. "Of course I did, I loved it Nagito, thank you so much."' Hinata wrapped him in hug as Komaeda hugged him back, a big smile on his face.

"Although, now you made me feel guilty because I didn't get you anything. In fact, I thought you didn't care about Valentine's Day!" That time Komaeda laughed out loud, causing some people to look their way but he didn't care.

"I didn't, but take this as more of a way to say thank you for all that you've done for me Hajime." Komaeda said with a smile still on his face as Hinata sighed. "Well now I guess I'll take you out to somewhere after school, but for now we should get to class." Taking hold of Komaeda's hand and smiling once more, the two of them made their way to class, with Komaeda smiling the entire way there, whispering softly so that Hinata wouldn't hear him;

"Silly Hajime, as long as I'm with you, every day is a Valentine's gift for me."

Happy OTP- I MEAN Valentine's Day loves!!! ^w^

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